
Are retention pond carp and or nile perch editable

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there are a lot of both plus big bass in a 4 acre retention pond by my house but i know they fertilize and mow the grass around it, are the fish good to eat




  1. well i know carp arent worth a d**n to eat in general

  2. I really wouldn't. Being a retention pond, the water isn't moving, no fresh water coming in other than rain. The run off from fertilizer would concern me. Think I'd catch & release. Even though you may not get sick from the fish it's the chemicals in fertilizer that accumulate in you & can cause harm later on.

  3. actually yes carp are edible but seriously TRY TO AVOID USING A RAPALA  SKITTER POP TO CATCH NILE PERCH YOU WILL ALMOST POSTIVELY BE PULLED INTO THE WATER.......the caps was just so the words will stand out i'm not "shouting".  

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