
Are roach baits effective?

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i found a couple of german roaches in my kitchen a couple of months ago, so i bought some roach baits from Raid. its been 2 months, and i still occasionally see a roach at night. im wondering, if they live in the kitchen would they really choose the bait over the food? i mean, i do clean the kitchen every night, but there are some spots i cant get to, like under my stove. are they more attracted to the poison or the food?




  1. Most effective way to rid your home of roaches ....if you have a gas stove ...turn off the pilot light and the gas as well. Get several Roach Bombs ....aerosol cans that you set the lock open on and leave your home for a few hours. Open all cabinets and toss all open foods. set the bombs off one by one as you make your way to the door. Stay out all day. Come home prepared to clean alot ! It will be quite a greasy film on all surfaces but believe me it works wonders.  

  2. Professionally speaking proper baiting is the only way to go for German roach control.  Go with the gel baits that come in a large syringe. Probably not so much in your case but quite often under a heavy infestation the roaches start coming out to feed on the bait before I finish with the kitchen.

  3. My dearest Music and Drama,

    My best solution was the old "Gator Roach Hives" which used a small cardboard cylinder that you put on the floor out of reach to humans.

    The poison was arsenic, and roaches are cannibals.  When one ate, he went home to die and the relatives had supper on him. (ha ha ha!)

    So, today's improved baits are the best bet.  It lets the roaches take the poison back to the home site and gets a very very high kill ratio.  It is a LOT cheaper than having a fumigation done.

    Boric acid will work too, but only gets the roaches that come into contact with it.  Lots of them never make it into the living quarters, so lots will stay alive to breed more.

    I think I should get the ten points because I called you "Dearest"!

  4. Get a bottle of Boric Acid, and some

    powdered sugar - mix it up & spread

    it around your kitchen & basement

    it will soon take care of your roach


  5. For every one you see, there are probably at least 10 you don't.  You can't get them all and their eggs with only a trap.  Fumigation is really the best way to make sure you get'em all.

    And if your neighbors have them too, well...

    I do wish you the best in getting rid of them though.

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