
Are roots photosensitive?

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If the root of a germinating seed is exposed very briefly to light, will this inhibit its development?




  1. roots arnt photosensitive

  2. Those parts of a plant that are above the ground (leaves, stems etc) exhibit what is called positive phototropism or they grow toward the light and negative geotropism (grow away from gravity). Those parts that grow below the surface (roots) exhibit what is called positve geotropism (grow toward the pull of gravity) and negative phototropism (grow away from light).

    This can be demonstrated by growing a plant in a pot upside down and observe the direction the plant  parts grow.

  3. No, roots are not photosensitive. Cells in roots do not contain photosynthetic pigments. Some researchers think that root cells have receptors that detect the downward pull of gravity by sensing the weight upon them.

  4. Yes it will evaporate the moisture that is usually received from the rain!!!

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