
Are rottweilers good family dogs or are they known to have an aggressive side like pit bulls?

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also do they get along with other dogs, i have 2 siberian huskies, and

I'm looking to get another dog and came across rottweilers.




  1. if they get the exercise they are supposed to have then they can be very loving dogs, but most people are to lazy to get out and walk their dogs so they can get an obesity problem pretty quickly.

    pit bulls can make lovely dogs as well as long as they get plenty of excercise.  

  2. Rotts can be great dogs, Pit Bulls were never bred to be agressive towards humans, only to other animals..a Rott is more likely to bite than a Pit.

    if both raised right with the proper training and socialization they can be good dogs

  3. Pitbulls are a fighting breed so they are bred for this purpose. Any dog can turn on you or your children, even the nicest and sweetest dog can turn on people as they are all bred from wolves. Rotties are in my opinion nice dogs but many are bred as guard dogs and due to their facial structure (short muzzle and heavy face) they can 'jaw lock' on your dog or a person. However if trained correctly and brought from a reputable breeder they should be fine. Rotties do need a lot of training though and can be strong willed. Please research rotties or any breed you intend to buy first as this will help. Perhaps once you have researched the breed speak to a few breeders if the breeder does not think the dog is right for you they will say. Breeders that have bred the same breed for years would probably know more about it than anyone on yahoo answers.

  4. i wouldent buy one cause am

    scared of dogs loll

    But if you get it off a good breeder like some 1 else said on here then it should be fine

  5. We had a rott and it was so protective he was great with our kids but would not let anyone near our house. We finally after 2 years was worried about him biting someone so gave him to a friend that lived in the country. We now have St. Bernards and they are the most loving and caring dogs ever.

  6. I've seen a lot of rottweiler pups at my dog park recently, they can be as timid and afraid as a Chihuahua...or aggressive as a Pit Bull.  What matters most is you take care of him/her, and how well you train him/her.  Luckily most people are responsible dog owners where I go so rarely I have anything to fear when I see a rotty or any other large animal.

  7. They make a great family pet, and are completely different to pit bulls. Like any dog though, just ensure you buy it from a breeder with a good rep to make sure you get a dog with a good temperment.

  8. Actually it's not the breed, it's the owner. Get one from a good breeder, with no history of dog fighting, guard dogs, and etc and you should a very well behaved one with a good temperament. Be sure to always show your dog who is boss, by always being the alpha. i.e. eating first. When you play always end up on top.

    and of course they get along with other dogs. Just a matter of socialization and training. Don't be stupid. Get your dog neutered/spayed to help prevent baaabies, and it should be slightly more relaxed afterwards. "Jaw locking" however is a complete LIE. There is no such thing

    The following quote was sent to me from Dr. Howard Evans, Professor Emeritus, College of Veterinary Medicine at Cornell University, Ithaca New York. We were colleagues in the veterinary college for four years. He is the author of the textbook, ANATOMY OF THE DOG, (the world's definitive work on the anatomy of the dog). His statement was in a letter addressed to me on March 26. 2002. His quote was: "I have spoken with [Dr.] Sandy deLahunta (the foremost dog neurologist in the country) and [DR.] Katherine Houpt (a leading dog behaviorist) about a jaw locking mechanism in pit bulls or any other dog and they both say, as do I, that there is NO SUCH THING AS "JAW LOCKING IN ANY BREED.

  9. Learn everything you want to know about this large and powerful dog that can be a steady and gentle companion.

  10. They are, sometimes, good family dogs but, of course, all depends upon the stock they're bred from.  Most that I've met have had a good temperament but they are more intense than a Lab or Golden would be and I don't know anyone who has more than one which aren't litter mates.  You might want to consider a different group such as sporting and, if you haven't already found this link ... see below.  At the very bottom of the page, right side, is 'write us' - I imagine they have someone qualified to best advise you.  Everything I've read on here, which is breed--specific, is the most accurate I've found.  My husband (ret'd veterinarian) and I (ret'd vet. tech.) used to breed German Shorthaired Pointers and spent many hours at dog shows meeting many of the various breeds (I don't suggest a GSHP for you).  I think the people who compiled all the information on the link met the same animals I did!  The Rottie description is accurate.  If you want a terrific dog and size (plus grooming time) isn't a consideration - I've never met a Newfoundland I haven't wanted to take home with me (and I do mean, never).  Do hope you'll end up with a very happy family.

  11. rotts are GREAT family dogs, they ADORE children, they are very protective over children....  thats something i find interesting about dogs is their love and commitment to kids, like they feel a nurturing instinct to be with the kids.... they are good dogs, and will definitely ward off intruders

    but even pitts are great family dogs, they love kids too....  they are not bad or evil... just the wrong group has been breeding them for the wrong reason, and gave a bad name for a really great dog...

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