
Are royalists in danger of wearing out their tongues?

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Are royalists in danger of wearing out their tongues?




  1. I am no great royalist but I think they are "decoration" as a Latin American friend once described them.

    What annoyed me was the American photographer who asked the Queen to take her "crown" off for a photo; such crass ignorance calling a tiara a crown and to ask the Queen in such an overconfident voice saying "I think you would look better without your crown" made me cringe

  2. Your questions are boring, you do not support your assertions with evidence. When are you going on holiday?

  3. my fear is you will wear out your fingers :)


  4. i guess you ain't a fan of the royal family then lol

  5. probably

  6. Please note that a troll has stolen my identity for his own devious purposes.

  7. No but thief of identity you are in danger of wearing out your welome rather quickly....knowing this is not GR8DaneLady

  8. No,not in the least but,if you are not British,you are in danger of wearing out your welcome and if you are not in Britain,mind your own god damned business.

  9. not likley, their chapped tongues are lubricated daily with the bloodied spoils of britons chronic neo-imperialist ventures around the globe

  10. Never! As long as there are people like you around we will be here to sort you out. Most of the educated people in this country are royalists you belong to the insiduous under-belly of the population.

  11. NO, but I think you are,lolololo.

    what a dope.

  12. Why do you hate the Royals so much? Are you even British?

  13. i was a royalist =] until i got into the s*x pistols, now i just couldnt care lesss really.

    they never shut up!, so lets hope they do ;)

  14. could be

  15. Not nearly as much as republicans!

  16. Joined 15-07-07, and off to a very bad start. More reasoned argument please to underpin and explain your prejudice. Few people understand the role of the Monarchy within a Constitutional Monarchy. You seem obsessed. Are you a tiresome academic?

  17. Jesus lady!  You really have a bee in your bonnet when it comes to the monarchy don't ya!?!  Stop worrying about it - they'll fade out eventually and in the great scheme of things the relative costs of keeping them isn't that much.   Plus - the tourists love em!

  18. I take it you dont like the Royals.

  19. No because we remain the majority and most remain silent.

    The Leftists will argue themselves out because of their disregard for any form of logic or coherrent persuasive argument for their pathetic Utopian ideal.

    Perhaps they should learn to accept reality- despite how hard it may be to bear.

    I remind them that all Armed Services swear their oath with first loyalty to Her Majesty.

    King Charles was a clever man- he know his Forces will never allow a republic again.

    Ex-service, loyalist, Royalist and itching to run through Republicans with my officer's sword.

    John M- love to meet you down the pub.

  20. and the alternative to a monarchy is a republic? Just look at the USA and then consider whether you want a president!

  21. Not likely.  Their tongues are constantly growing.

    If not for the continual wear and tear from their ceaseless banter, their tongues would keep growing and dangle in their tea, scones and twee stamp collections.

  22. This may be a bit naive, but why?

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