
Are sagittarius girls fake?

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All of the Sagittarius girls I've ever come across turned out to be fake. like they would talk about their "friends" behind their backs or pretend to like someone and then talk about them when they're not there.

Is it just them or have you met other sagittarius girls who are fake?




  1. There is nothing to astology.  Many people born on the same day aren't anything alike.  Think about it.

  2. My mom and sister are sagittarius...their really fake. Their both also dramatic, vain, and love an extreme amount of attention from everyone, whether positive or negative.

  3. I know a Sag woman who wouldn't hurt a fly, and then I work with another one who is a back stabber.  It really depends on the moon and rising signs that make all of us different from each other.  No one is ruled by just their sun sign....there are actually many other ascendents that make up ones personality.

  4. Hi

    I totally disagree and you have probably had the short end of the stick with a Sagittarius. This would account for your dislikes maybe or you did something to them. Sagittarius are loyal like all fire signs although they may flirt here and there. They are not liers and they tend to be blunt. At least, you know where you stand with them.

    I have a few Sagittarian friend and none are fake.  

  5. That's their nature. lol

  6. whaatttt ???!!! a fake sag?? last time i checked most sags are honest. actually thats pretty insulting to just come out and ask if ALL sags are fake. no sags are not. there is a chance that some might be, but no not all of them. never

  7. No, they are not fake.  All the Sag girls I have met have been honest to a fault.  Even if their own brand of honesty doesn't coincide with reality.

  8. No, no, no you've got it all wrong..maybe you just misunderstand their ways b/c you dont know of them well.

    My best friend is a sag and she is just very very honest..she will tell it to your face w/o a feeling of pitty. shé will actually just laugh if off, like you should take what she said as something serious but will expect you to feel it to be funny as well.  its not bad i actually find her positivity as enlightening she brings out the best in me.  

    she will always always tell you how it is.

    I am a gemini and she is a sag when we are together no matter on the phone or in person we do tend to gossip and talk talk talk but we do it out of fun..we only chat really negativily about anyone if its something that really bothers one or both of us.  if anything its we just talk out of fun and fakeness here! lol

  9. Maybe its where you live theres a lot of fake girls.

    Horoscopes aren't real though. When they tell things about whats going to happen why don't they just tell you what SHIRT your going to wear. You may not believe in this, but only God knows whats going to happen tommarow. God made you the way he did, it's not based on the "stars" and when your birthday is. So your saying everyone that has my birthday is single and loving it? Not true!

    Lol but back to the other thing, it might be your age though too where girls act fake. think about it are other girls with other signs that way too? Maybe. Maybe not it may be a coincedence that there all sagitarious. Lol well im gonna stop talking now.

  10. yeah of course

  11. i am a sagittarius and i am not fake i dont talk about people behind their back but i can say there are many sagittarius girls like tht  but hey they have so many people like that in this world and plus horoscopes are totally fake

  12. horoscopes are like religion, bullshit that doesnt have a reason to be believed but then again millions of these idiots for some reason do.

  13. I wouldn't call them fake, that is just how they are. They are the polar opposite of Gemini (the 2-face), so you should expect that.

    I get along fine with Sagis, we're both kinda whacko.

  14. I'm a sagittarius. Unfortunately, I've always thought that I was shallow or fake, no matter how much I try not to be. But, whenever I mention this to someone, they totally freak out and say that I'm quite the opposite. I'm pretty blunt though. Like, this one time, my friend asked me if she looked bad in her jeans, and I said yes without thinking. Oops. Later she said that I was the only person who would tell me the truth, so she thanked me. I don't like to sugar-coat, I guess.

    So, I don't really know. But, every sagittarius I've met is insanely nice (like unbelievably, unrealisticly nice), so I don't honestly really know.  

  15. No, I've met a lot of nice ones! Very blunt of course xD. But they weren't "fake". Very real in fact. They always tell you the truth. No matter how much it hurts.

    I was very close to one. Her jokes never failed to out a smile on my face. She had a very magnetic personality. Many people liked her, boys and girls. She wasn't a back-stabber. She didn't "pretend to like people". She was a very genuine overall human being

    I'm sorry you've had such bad experiences

    Edit: Wow. I'm really tired of people coming to this section just to spread negativity and state how they "don't believe in it." If you don't believe in it, don't answer!

  16. horoscopes are fake!

    they're fun to look @ as a joke, but don't take them soo seriously

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