
Are scavengers and bottom feeders the same thing?

by Guest62207  |  earlier

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If not whats the difference ?

please only detailed answers ^-^




  1. No.  Scavengers scavenge in whichever environment they happen to live while bottom feeders feed on the bottom of the sea, rivers or lakes.  Some bottom feeders are also scavengers, but others can be predators.

  2. a scavenger is any animal that will eat already dead meat.  They didn't kill it, don't know how long it's been dead, but they eat it.  Scavenging is actually very efficient, as the animal doesn't have to expend the energy of hunting and killing the food.  It just has to be strong enough to fight off rivals.  Most animals considered scavengers also have heavy duty microbes in their stomachs to deal with rotting meat and other nasty things. Examples are: vultures, crows, eels, coyotes, etc.  Pretty much anything that's a carnivour won't pass up a free meal.

    Bottom feeders are usually only in water.  They sift the sea floor with special filters and eat anything of nutritional value they find.  Their food is usually "alive" or "active" or whatever, when they eat it, but they wouldn't shy away from a whale carcass that falls in front of them.  Examples would be clams, lobsters, right whales, etc.

    hope this helps...

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