
Are schizoids dangerous people?

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Schizoids and schizophrenics are two different mental conditions.




  1. "Schizoids"?

    People with schizophrenia and other related psychotic disorders are usually not dangerous.  However, some can be violent from time to time if they are unmedicated and are having a psychotic episode.  However, they are no more likely to be 'dangerous' than someone who is mentally retarded, has a mood disorder, has a personality disorder, or even is your average mentally healthy person.  Most people with a psychotic disorder are medicated, though, and wouldn't harm a fly.

    If you are speaking specifically of individuals with schizoid personality disorder, then the answer is still "no".  Individuals with schizoid personality disorder tend to be fairly reclusive and avoidant, and they don't like social interactions.  Aside from that, they are also pretty normal.

  2. no a schizoid would be reluctant to talk to you let alone hurt you,

    but if schizoid did have violent thoughts, desires to hurt people he would be to unmotivated to actually carry them out  

  3. ah this belief really annoys me.

    Schizo disorders are the least likely people to be dangerous, most are dangerous to themselves and not others.

  4. It is only about 10 people a year who get killed by someone with an identifiable mental illness. These people are usually paranoid schizophrenics, 1 in 1000 of us.

    As there are 60 million of us in this land, that is 60,000 souls that have this affliction, and only kill 10 a year?  As 10% of the "sane" population commit violent crime, a grouping of such harmless folk as schizophrenics is nothing to get worked up about.

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