
Are schools not teaching s*x ed anymore, some of the preganancie questions?

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blow me away! Do girls mothers not teach anything to them anymore, an aunt, grandma, sister? I know some are too embarasssed.




  1. Schools teach s*x ed - but what happens during pregnancy is not taught. In Indiana, if someone takes child development, they might get taught more about pregnancy, but it is an elective in high school.

    s*x ed focuses more on the basics of reproduction and sexually transmitted disease. And the main audience is kids before high school.

    I would agree some of the girls are too embarrassed to talk about some things with their family. I'm glad ours is different - my sister could ask my mom stuff that worried her. You also have to remember that w/ first pregnancies, people tend to worry that normal stuff is abnormal.

  2. ,for years parents expected the school to teach  their kids about s*x,today its is the parents responsibilities to educate their children on the facts of lives including HIV and other diseases but for whatever reason embarrassment,ignorance,or just plain naive they wont,this being the cause of so many pregnant teenagers

  3. There is some s*x ed. taught in schools, but in many states teachers are restricted as to what can be taught.  Students are usually just taught the basics about reproduction and maybe a little STD info.  There is little in terms of birth control and many teachers are not comfortable answering their students' questions for fear of an angry parent.  I once had a high school junior ask me is she could get pregnant from HER own sperm.  She was dead serious.  That was an interesting conversation!

  4. my school doesn't teach s*x ed but i am a senior (18 yrs. old) and still a virgin and proud of it. i want to wait until i am married even though i would love to have a baby (i love kids)

  5. Actually that is the case in the Philippines. The Catholic Church exerts undue influence to prevent s*x ed from being taught in public schools despite the secular nature of public schools. The country's lower class is a baby factory, really. It's only recently that the government realized that s*x ed was imperative. In private schools they start s*x ed around grade 5 though. And parents, whether knowledgeable or not, do not discuss it with their children.

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