
Are septic tanks safe to the environment?

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Are septic tanks safe to the environment?




  1. Sure as long as they are far down stream from your water well .

  2. No, Yes, Maybe.

    If you haven't had one, you wouldn't know.

    They have to pumped out every 1 - 5 years, to operate correctly.  If that isn't done, the solid waste can go into the leach field, thats not good.  I've seen where the whole system must be replaced and it's not cheap.  I'm not saying their not safe, just one must know the limitations.

  3. If they are working properly and there are not so many in a small area to affect the watershed.    Newer systems are very good.  The older cess pool systems not so.

  4. People use septic systems because they aren't attached to a city sewer line.  There is no other option to dispose of sewage except to use old fashioned methods.  Think of what people used to use, outhouses, I'd say that the modern septic system is a long step in a good direction.  A properly maintained septic system will do its job correctly, which is to contain harmful diseases and break down sewage.

  5. You've already got some good answers, but I would add that you have to be careful what you put into the system. No chlorine products!!! And a lot of other things that could be toxic to your microbes. Yes, you have to have the tank(s) pumped every other year and haul the solids away but other than that they work well. Some pumpers have green solutions for the solid waste, do some research in your area.

    Just don't skimp on your leach field, a little bigger is better than too small.

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