
Are seriel killers justified in what they do?

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according to the book paradise lost where it says "What matter where, if i be still the same,and what i should be, all but less than he Whom thunder hath made greater."




  1. To kill an innocent cannot be justified, no matter what situation you face. In recompense they should have their life taken.  

  2. No, they are not.  

  3. Some may or may not feel that they are justified in what they do. But regardless, they were conditioned to be in this mindset from events in their lives. Maybe they were abused as children, or just have some type of mental illness, or have some type of fetish (which again would go back to events in their childhood, or even adulthood). Nobody just wakes up one day and says out of the blue "I'm going to go kill a bunch of people." There was something that made them think it was ok to do. Society as a whole is in its own way partially responsible for creating serial killers.

    I don't really understand what the quote means, I'll guess that the part about "he with the thunder" is talking about god... but I'm lost with the rest of it.

    Either way, I'd say there's a cause for what they do, but I wouldn't say that what they do is justifiable. But it also depends on your outlook, someone (other than the killer) might find some type of way to look at the situation to where what's happened seems justifiable.

  4. yes, if they are godlike and unchanging then they would be justified in the way they act no matter how that maybe

  5. no justification, only in sick minds.

  6. There is no justification for going on a murdering spree and killing random people.  

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