
Are shadow people real?

by  |  earlier

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i need to know if shadow people are real ive been seeing weird things like hooded shadows type things and some wereing hats since i was 5 and i sometimes see figures that look more like people. im starting to question my own sanity and i need to talk to someone please if you know anything about this contact at the fallowing email

i dont care who you are if you know something please help. more details if you email me




  1. shadow people are a tricky subject, most people just think its "corner of the eye syndrome" whereby you think you see someone in the corner of your eye but when you look theyre gone, personally i have seen a ghost, but never a shadow person, anyway try wikipedia, they have info on everything

  2. You're not the only one to see shadow people. Check out this website:

  3. yea dude i see stuff like that all the time. its wicked creepy sometimes i hear stuff with them too and i can see them only untill i look directly at them

  4. yes shadow people are real. if you really want to see some shows that have ghostly experience (ghost huntin) chech out Ghost Hunters / Ghost Hunter international on Sci Fi channel at 7-8p.m

    or u can watch episodes at

    some ppl would say your insane, but other people believe, and i believe due to weird experiences i have had myself. So dont fear! shadow people are usually not harmful.

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