
Are sharks mammals?

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Are sharks mammals?




  1. No. They lack mammary glands. Also, they have gills, which is mostly found in fish, and some other animals including woodlice(yes it is surprising). Whales, on the other hand, are mammals, as they have to surface to breathe, and they have mammary glands, and they all give birth to live young.

  2. sharks are considered fish because they don't have any mamary glands, have gills, and lay eggs. (however there are egg laying animals currently classified as mammals)

  3. no they are classified as fish

  4. A shark is a fish; it "breathes" its oxygen by passing water over its gills

  5. No. They have no hair or fur. They also don't have bones, they have cartilage, a soft, flexible material in your nose and ears.

  6. No, sharks are classed as fish.

  7. Sharks are cartilaginous fish. This means they have a skeleton of cartilage, instead of bone. All mammals have hair, and females produce milk for their young.

  8. no. they are fish they breath oxygen by water passing over there gills and they dont have hair all mammals have hair.

    the only sea animals classified as mammals would be sea lions ext.
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