
Are shingle contagious to a child whose had the chicken pox vaccine?

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Okay today I noticed a very uncomforitable pain on my left hip in one spot sort of, and I noticed what looks like the begging of blisters. So I'm assuming I'm getting shingles again for the third time. Anyway, my question is, is I know it's contagiouse, but I have a 4 year old daughter who has never had chicken pox before but has had the vaccine. Can she still get chicken pox if I truely am getting shingles again?




  1. In theory she should not get Chicken Pox from you but there are always exceptions to the rule. You should try to minimize the amount you exposure her to it to the best of your ability. But the most important thing is for you to get treated for your shingles. If you have had it before you know that the medication works only if you take it within the first few days of the onset of symptoms. Also if you get treated it reduces the likelihood of permanent nerve damage which can be caused by shingles. And even more importantly you may want to see a specialist to figure out why you are getting shingles so often, it could be an indication of a compromised immune system, especially so young. I got shingles at 28.  

  2. Yes, she can.  Children who have had the chickenpox vaccine can get chickenpox again.  People can get chickenpox if they are exposed to the fluid from shingles blisters.  But she can't get chickenpox from you from you coughing, etc.  There needs to be actual contact with the infectious fluid from the blisters.

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