
Are shops making a contract offer by putting up prices?

by  |  earlier

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is a shop making you an offer/contract by putting up prices? if so, if they put up a wrong price and refuse to sell you the good, are they reneging on the contract they have made?




  1. Exactly - an offer is simply that - an offer.  You may accept, or haggle, until a contract is agreed to, by the exchange of money for goods or services.  Some states have a scanner law, where if the price on the shelf tag is lower than what you are charged at the register, you often get the first product (of that kind) for free.  This is NOT the same as 'if it doesn't scan, it must be free'.  A lot of cashiers I know are driven crazy by people who say that, even as a joke.

  2. They are making an offer, but there is no contract until there is a completed sale. The offer can be amended or even withdrawn at any time. So, no, they are not reneging on a contract.

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