
Are short, heavy boxers at a disadvantage?

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I'm 5'8.5" and I weigh 200lbs, my step dad tells me I need to lose weight but when I work out, I get thinner but still weigh the same (this includes dieting). Should I just say to h**l with it and look into a different sport like MMA or Football? (Keep in mind that I have a Mike Tyson build)




  1. You do have a disadvantage because a taller boxer with a longer reach can dance around you and stay out of your range

    if he's a smart boxer...You would have to learn to use the ring

    to your advantage and trap your opponents against the corners or ropes,throw power shots but with your size you

    also gotta worry about gasin' out...My opinion is you'd do better in MMA...your the perfect size to shoot in,take someone down,and proceed to ground and pound

  2. maybe dude

  3. Unfortunately there is a tonne of good 6'3" cruiser-weights out there and you would stand right on the end of their jab.

    Tyson had good head movement in his early days but when faced with a busy long left hand he struggled.

    Good luck with what ever you do mate. As long as your heart is in it you will succeed

  4. maybe you do and maybe you don't. the only way to know for sure is if you speak to both a doctor and a trainer. to box (and mma both are the same in this regard) you need to be at your optimal weight. that is what at what weight are you your strongest, fastest, and have the most stamina?

  5. MAYBE

  6. from the looks of it you sound more like an mma fighter, unless you somehow manage to lose alot of weight

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