
Are skinny cats better then chubby cats?

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i was wondering if people like chubby cats better then skinny cats I've notice that some of the chubby cats get adopted faster then the skinny ones why is that??




  1. For all species, skinny is healthier than fat.  When's the last time you saw a chubby 90 year old?  Most American pets are now obese, so it may be that fat pets look more "normal" to the average American, even though they really aren't "normal".

  2. I would assume it's because many people get cats as a lap pet. Something to sit down and cuddle with. Not really something to chase around or anything. They want a lazy, relyable, soft pet that will stay by their side.

    Though personally, the fatter the cat the greater the temper. All the fat cats that I've ever owned were mean. They were the sterotypical cat that does what it wants and listens to no one. It may or may not come when you call. That kind of cat. But, of corse, as long as a person raises it from a kitten and attemps to train the cat, it can be well mannered, just lazy.

    The skinny cats that I've owned all acted more like dogs in my opinion. Maybe because the heightened engergy made me treat them like such, but in any case I train all my animals the same. Like dogs. Anyway, skinny cats can be fun too, for kids and people with a lot of time on their hands, also you can't really tell how a kitten will turn out if you buy/adopt it fat. It may thin out or fill out.

    I think it's all personal preferance, people like cute and chubby. The same way they like the cute chubby (human) baby over the skinny ones. It's the same concept. People base a lot of decisions off of apperances. Chubby cats reminds them of babies, or (in my case) of grumpy old men, and some get a kick out of that. Plus, chubby ussually means healthy, while skinny cats appear to either be over hyper or sick.

  3. who care, they're both edible

    j/k               lolz

  4. Chubby cats are the cuttest! And so hugggable and squishable...awwwwww!!!

  5. All the cats I've ever had have been slim. Personally, I don't like cats that are too over weight. However, I have a friend that only likes fat cats.

  6. I think a healthy cat is best. Fat cats kinda make me sad because it seems as if the have a hard time getting around. I adopted a 9 month old cat and she was average side, if not a little underweight. She's a healthy weiht now and I watch how much she eats and make sure not to overfeed her.

  7. Why is it that chubby cats get adopted faster than skinney cats? Probably because they seem healthier. Would you want to adopt a cat who was about to die from starvation? now if your talking an obese cat who can not walk. I have no earth on anyone would think that is cute. I mean sure they might look cute, but the cat is probably sad:[ it likes to move around too.

  8. I like chubby kittens/cats are cute! But skinny cats are more active and like to play more! (:

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