
Are slightly damaged contact lenses safe to wear?

by  |  earlier

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So Ive just got some monthly lenses. I have been wearing them for a few hours and have just taken them out. Left one came out no problem.

Right eye'd one was tougher but i managed to gently pinch it and take it out. Unfortunately after taking it out, I noticed it had 2 small cuts each side of the lense.

Could someone tell me if they are still safe to wear, and if not, why 2 small cuts could make such an impact?





  1. Take them out immediately! That can seriously damage your eye, it could scratch the lens of your eye and even harbor some bacteria. Not a good idea at all. I would wear glasses until you get a new pair.

    Next time that happens try to put some eye drops or saline solution in your eye or blink a few times, that usually gets it more moist so that you can get it out easily.

    Hope that helps..

  2. Yes, dont re-use it again. get a new pair

  3. no, they arent safe to wear because they could scratch your eye.  however, if u strongly need to depend on them, wear them until u can get a new pair as quickly as possible.  good luck.

  4. Dammaged lenses can cause scratches and abarasions that can lead to complications that can cause blindness. Period.

  5. Don't do it!

    You could scratch the eye and healing for eye cuts is a long process.

    The best bet is to give your eyes a rest for a few days...if you don't like wearing your glasses, do it over a weekend when you aren't so busy and keep the lens out.

    Even when you have the monthly lens, it's good to give your eyes a break at night when you sleep.

  6. no way i lost m eye ball because of that and had 5 surgeries

    and now blind

  7. They are not safe to wear if they are torn.  Even the slightest tear can do damage to your eye (think about a single grain of sand and how bad that hurts). Here's another analogy.  If you run your finger nail along your arm it's not going to hurt or do any damage.  If there is a small cut and you do the same, you are going to feel it.  Same thing.  You could do serious and permanent damage to your eye by wearing the contact.  Just change them

  8. Dont wear them, its not worth the risk.

  9. i wouldnt wear them if they were cut. my reezun cuz tha eye prsn said so...yea i listen to them..if they sai not to wear them ther must b a reezun

  10. Lens damage - Damage or spoilage of the contact lens is more common with soft lenses than with rigid gas permeable (RGP) lenses. Damage may occur in the form of tears, cracks and chips; these may cause local irritation of the cornea and may also become colonised with pathogens giving rise to conjunctivitis or keratitis. Warping of the lens may occur if it is squeezed excessively during the cleaning process, or if kept in conditions that are too warm, e.g. rinsing in hot water or keeping them in a case on the dashboard of the car. Warping of the lens may result in induced warping of the cornea, and difficulty in correcting a refractive error, this may take months to resolve

  11. I would think it is safe but wearing it isn't worth it because of the tremendous irritation those small cuts will cause. Most injuries to the eye heal within 24 hours (yes the eyes are amazingly quick at healing). Its just the irritation that causes me not to want to wear damaged lenses.

  12. no.

    Do not wear contact lenses that have notches or cuts in them.

    Sratches on the outside are probably ok, but any cuts or such problems are dangerous to your eyes. They could scratch your eye

    wear some old glasses till you can get new ones.

  13. Damaged contacts are absolutely not safe to wear! Any type of cut or rip in a lens, even if it's nearly imperceptible, can scratch your eye. The eye is NOT an area of the body to mess around with!

    Don't put those things back in; just go get some new ones. Perhaps ask your optometrist if he can provide you with a brand of lenses that are slightly "hardier".

  14. This really depends on where those pinch "cuts" are located and how big they are.  A few years ago Bausch & Lomb made contact lenses that would habitually tear at the outer edges of their lenses.  They looked like something had nibbled on the edge of the lens.  People wore them without causing any problems.

    If your "cuts" are tiny pinch tears that are away from the edge and more toward the center, then you should not wear them.  What happens is one edge of the cut tucks under the opposite edge and exposes the tucked-under edge to the underlying cornea.  This edge will actually scratch your eye whenever the lens moves.  Scratched eyes are BAD and uncomfortable.  Open a new lens.

    You can minimize the occurrence of these "pinch tears" by placing a drop of saline or lens lubricating solution into your eyes just prior to removing the lenses.

  15. They are not safe to wear.  You could scratch your cornea or get an eye infection.

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