
Are snapdragons perrenials or annuals?

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I'm from Michigan, and last Spring I planted snapdragons, this year I decided to plant something else, but the snapdragons came back up. I don't mind, but I thought Snapdragons were annuals.




  1. This is my favorite flower, I have tons of volunteer snapdragons in the rocks around my home.  Each year I do patio pots with snapdragons.  I'm in northwest Wis. They are an annual, once the flower is done, it forms a pod which is full of seeds.  You can collect the pods for your pots for next year(saves some money).  They do fine through our winters, as do petunia's.  Wherever your snapdragons are, when they are done flowering, they will reseed again for next year.

    I just looked it up, it is a perrenial.  I am going to bring a pot into the heated garage this fall, see if I can winter it over.  If it is a true perrenial, it should last without reseeding itself.

  2. Your snapdragons went to seed last year and grew from seeds.  They are annuals but in milder climates many annuals can be perennials.

  3. snap dragons are perennials, but not in your area. must of had a mild winter, or maybe you have a warm microclimate in your yard, or maybe they re seeded. if they re seeded in the fall they would of been frozen in the winter keeping it fresh and ready to germinate in late spring

    some people dont like the look of snapdragons the second year and decide to re plant them

  4. ANNUALS ..........however they will reseed...there are occasions if you have a mild winter and the plants were mulched that the plant will come back the next year but they usually die out with the 1st frost

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