
Are snowboard lessons worth it?

by Guest58657  |  earlier

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I've pretty much mastered heel carving, getting much better at toe carving, but cannot switch from heel to toe and vice versa. I know how people do it, I just can't put it into action myself and losing confidence on the slopes when I feel like I'm about to fall. Would lessons help me and are they worth it or should I just keep practicing?




  1. Take the lessons... they are really worth it.  I see so many people who try to teach themselves or get friends to teach them.  You can do it this way and still have fun, but with lessons you will minimize on falling down and develop good skills from the start.  A certified instructor has been trained to teach snowboarding and can more effectively describe what to do.  They can also look at your performance and identify how you can improve.

  2. Not sure about the actual answer of whether they'd be worth the cost,

    but a lesson would allow an instructor to see what you are doing and also to see if your equipment suits you.

    You might just try renting a shorter board to play with for a day.

    I was at my nephews, and played around with a short board on

    his sledding hill & found it really easy to use even though it was

    probably too small for me (it worked fine on hard packed snow)

  3. lessons would definitely help. just get them for one day and see if they help enough for you to continue on your own.

  4. yes, lessons are worth it!

    i snowboarded 3 times, two years ago; and four times, last year, before i took lessons.

    After a one hour lesson, I improved 100%

    Good Luck to you!

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