
Are social services messed up when it comes to wanting help? autism?

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are social services messed up when it comes to wanting help? i asked social services for respite care for my autistic son (where they take them 2 after school clubs etc to give you a break) as i am struggling with him and a constantly crying 9 month old. i filled in the form, had the interview and recieved a decision 6 months later saying that as my child was well looked after and i dont have a drink or drug problem then i am not entitled to help! is it wrong that people should struggle because they arent addicts and try 2 look after their kids?




  1. You are the all too common face of a good person going under the radar.

    I remember in my kids old school it was the kids of a) a smack head and b) a prostitute(!) who were taken to after school courtesy of social services.

    get the GP  or health visitor say you are not coping and you are scared.Contact the autistic society they are v. good and I think in matters such as these you have to be canny and get someone who really knows the system to advocate on your behalf. I sort of have one foot in the Autistic world as my son is mildly autistic , its a funny sort of forgotten twilight world.Hope you get help , support and that your baby suddenly stops crying and sleeps RIGHT THROUGH !!!

    Chin up.

  2. social services are a real let down my 2nd child has adhd and autism and i understand how you are feeling its like every day is a battle. my doctor contacted them to see if they could help us i got a letter back saying there was nothing they could do for us and that if i needed any advice i should contact citizens advice. so it seems if you are a good parent they dont want to know. the system is so wrong

  3. I take it your are in the UK find out  if you have a local sure start as they can offer you help in the form of a family worker  or home start its a voluntary organization who can supply a helper

    ask about a family worker who will come to your home and help you  you can do this through your health visitor go along to some of these group as you won't be the only one with older children who has to leave before the end

  4. They only help if they really have to,  they are not there to make life easier.  A discrace to this country to be honest. Like always reward the Bad , penalise the good

  5. That's so messed's a real "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" long as they see you coping and being a good mom, then they don't get involved.  However you could point out that, without a breakl, your health will suffer, which will lead to you needing help, no question.  Wouldn't they be better to offer you enough help now to get breaks than wait until there is a problem?    God, their reasoning is very unfair.  Keep asking fact, demand.  It's terrible that you have to fight for basic services but unfortunately it can seem that those who shout loudest and won't go away end up achieving the best results in these situations.  Best of luck:)  In the meantime, is there a family member or friend who could help you out, even to mind the children for an hour or two each could introduce the new routine gradually so the person and the children have time to mighthelp give you some space.

  6. social services are c**p i manage a residential home for adults with autism and you have to fight tooth and nail to get anything for them. ask for an appeal. its a hard job and you are amazing at it but everyone is entitled to a break. does he have a social worker? if you get no joy go to the CAB its free and they will help you as much as they can

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