
Are society's problems really "new"?

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People constantly complain now about how kids don't respect authority, parents are abusing their kids, men beat wives, kids are sleeping around, and so on. I personally think these problems always have existed, but people now talk and complain about it more, and people then didn't air their dirty laundry in ways they do now.

So are these new problems really new, or are they just old problems being called new?




  1. They're old.  It's just that now we have the media to tell us about all of these horrible things that are going on that we never would have known about otherwise.

  2. Yes they are new, but not VERY new. Probably about 12 years old, I don't know.

    Hope I helped.

  3. No some of these problems are old and there were worst things in history. Bad news was not a bigger problem in the past because they did not have the media and internet to publish and post every little detail that goes on.  

  4. To my mind, they are not new. Because of the development of the media, they are released much more than  before.

  5. They are not new, but they are more comon, they are now in big quantities. Kiss.

  6. It is more noticable now because there are more people in the world.  Therefore there are more dysfunctional people in the world.  But it is true children/adolescsents do NOT respect authority.  There is more abuse within the home.  Pick up a newspaper & read on all the crime whether it be a shooting, abuse on the elderly, child abuse or spouse abuse or someone mass murdering innocents in restaurants or a shopping mall  etc.    There are a lot of uneducated, biased bigotry, uncaring, very angry, taking on the roll of being the victim retalerating in a negative way within society.    

  7.   YES, THEY  ARE

  8. there are many new problems that have arisen since 1914

  9. its not new but its rates are increasing. its due to the lack of respect and discipline in homes across the world and the greed of the powerful.

  10. Well, the problem types or categories may not be new, but the ways in which they’re being expressed certainly are. For example, society’s always had anti-establishment protests or STDs…but was terrorism or AIDS as widespread as it is today? People are able to talk more because they have more information; the world’s become a ‘village’ with Internet. ‘Dirty laundry’ is point of view – some might call it being open in communication!  

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