
Are solar panels worth the expensive charge in the beginning?

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Solar panels are very expensive to purchase and install. Is it worth the hassle in the beginning, or is the product too small to make a difference?




  1. I'm a believer of renewable energy so I say that it is worth it.  The price  you pay now is a one time price and won't account for inflation of rising energy costs.  However, the price may come down as demand rises.

  2. Yes, they are worth it in the long run. And it's VERY good for the environment. Oil is estimated to run out in 40 years.

  3. N.

    Solar panels and associated systems cost a lot to build install and maintain.

    You will get years worth of electricity from the grid for the same cost.

    It's not worth retrofitting a house with solar. It might be worth building a new house designed for solar energy use depending on where you live in terms of amount and intensity of sunlight as well as the cost of electricity from the grid.

  4. In most cases, no.  They are viable in remote locations where the cost of installing panels is less than the cost of getting connected to the grid but if you are already located near a power line they will never pay for themselves.

  5. I is because it saves energy and say the power goes out, it wont if you have them i know cause somebody were i live has them

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