
Are somalian Shia or Sunni muslim's?

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My friends at my school said that we somalians are sunni because sunni's follow the way of prophet Muhammed {S.A.W}




  1. Well, I had a good Somalian friend and she was all like "hippity hoppity yo yo yo" and I was all like "yo sista from anuva muva" and she was all like "shizzle ma nizzle."

    She liked going to concerts and had a crush on this guy called Shane. Is that a Shia or Sunni thing? Allah knows.

  2. Most of the ones who live near me are Sunni.

    By the way, someone who claims that Shia are not Muslims is questionably a Muslim himself - it's a grievious sin to call someone a Disbeliever, who believes in Allah and His Prophets. A lot of Sunni Muslims have gone far far astray and started worshipping Sunnism instead of Allah, in other words worshipping their own egos. That's not the sign of a good Muslim. To put it mildly.

    But anyway back to Somalia, I think a lot of them are Sufis.

  3. yes they not shia...

    their sunni...

  4. Practically all Sunni. Around literally 99%.

  5. ur friend is right....There is nothing but Sunni Muslims in Somalia, completely Sunni...(SUNNI FO' LIFE)

  6. They are Shia and Sunni both, which ever they were raised on

  7. wow....Karina....u said what i wanted to say...except i would have never done a good job like makes so much sense, they have no idea what sin they are commiting

  8. most somalis i know and my best friend who is a somali are Sunni's.

  9. Sure Somalian Brothers and sisters are Muslims who follow the prophet(or whats called nowdays sunni)

    Shias are not Muslims  !

    Islam is (Quran+sunnah)

    shia have their own beliefs they insutl Islam and they rejected Sunnah

    and they don't do the 5 pillars of Islam

    they changed Islam and they follow their 12 manmade Imams

    @ Karina  

    Not me who said that but the Great scholars of Islam

    Statements Of The Scholars Concerning the Shee'ah

    and they have to  to warn us from deviant sects.

    and not Only a shia are non Muslims (btw non Muslim here doesn't mean they are kafirs i mean they are Mushrikis and deviant sect)

    actually kafir word is so dangerous and i can't call anyone a kafir except i have Hujja that he commit Kufer

    and i Only once called one of them a Kafir and he is FTL

    because he called a sahabi a kafir and this is  sure make him a kafir

    and read this


    The Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) also clearly warned against insulting and belittling his companions when he said,

    من سب أصحابي فعليه لعنة الله والملائكة والناس أجمعين

    ((Whoever insults my companions, the curse of Allaah, the angels and all of mankind will be upon him.))

    al-Silsilah al-Saheehah, 2340

    Shaykh ‘Abdul-Muhsin al-Abbaad (حفظه الله) said ,

    أما من تكلم فيهم بكلام لا ينبغي فهو في الحقيقة لم يضرَّهم إنما ضرَّ نفسه؛ وذلك أنهم ـ رضي الله تعالى عنهم وأرضاهم ـ قدِموا على ما قدَّموا، وقد قدَّموا الخير الكثير، وقد قدَّموا الأعمال الجليلة التي قاموا بها مع رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم، ورضي الله تعالى عنهم، فالذي يتكلم فيهم بما لا ينبغي هو في الحقيقة لا يضرهم وإنما يضرُّ نفسه.

    بل إن ذلك يكون زيادة في حسناتهم، ورفعة في درجاتهم؛ لأنه إذا تكلم فيهم بغير حق أضيف إليهم من حسنات المتكلم فيهم إذا كان له حسنات، فيكون ذلك رفعة في درجاتهم، وإن لم يكن له حسنات فإنه لا يضر السحاب نبح الكلاب كما يقولون.

    The translation of which is:

    ((As for the ones who speak about the Companions with unbefitting sayings, he in reality has not harmed them but only harmed himself, because the Companions (رضي الله عنهم) have already put forward much good. They (رضي الله عنهم) put forward great actions that they did while being with the Messenger of Allaah (صلى الله عليه وسلم). So not only does this person harm himself but he also increases the Companions (رضي الله عنهم) in good deeds and raises their status. For if he speaks about them unjustly, his good deeds will be added to theirs, if he has any good deeds and thereby their ranks are raised. However, If he does not have any then as is said “The clouds are not harmed by the barking of the dogs))

    Al-Khateeb al-Baghdaadee said with a chain to Abee Zur’ah ar-Raazee ,

    قال: (( إذا رأيت الرجل ينتقص أحداً من أصحاب رسول الله فاعلم أنه زنديق؛ وذلك أن رسول الله عندنا حق، والقرآن حق، وإنما أدى إلينا هذا القرآن والسنن أصحاب رسول الله ، وإنما يريدون أن يجرحوا شهودنا؛ ليبطلوا الكتاب والسّنّة، والجرح بهم أولى، وهم زنادقة )).

    ((If you see a man defaming any of the Companions of Allaah’s Messenger (رضي الله عنهم) then know that he is a heretic, because we believe in the Messenger of Allaah (صلى الله عليه وسلم) and in the Quraan as being true. It is the Companions who have conveyed this Quraan and the Prophetic guidance to us. Yet they seek to criticize our witnesses (to the Revelation) so as to nullify the Book and the Sunnah. They are more deserving to be refuted and they are the heretics.))

    al-Kifaayah pg. 49

    Imaam at-Tahaawee (رحمه الله) said ,

    ونحب أصحاب رسول الله ولا نفرط في حبِّ أحد منهم، ولا نتبرّأ من أحد منهم، ونبغض من يبغضهم، وبغير الخير يذكرهم، ولا نذكرهم إلاّ بخير، وحبُّهم دين وإيمان وإحسان، وبغضهم كفر ونفاق وطغيان.

    The translation of which is:

    ((We love the companions of the Messenger (رضي الله عنهم) and we do not become extreme in loving any one of them nor do we renounce any one of them. We hate those that hate them and speak ill of them. We only make mention of them with good. Loving them is part of the Deen, Eemaan, and Ihsaan and hating them is Kufr (disbelief), Nifaaq (hypocrisy), and Tughyaan (transgression).))

    Sharh ‘Aqeedatul-Tahaawiyyah pg. 528

    The Question:

    In the name of Allaah, The Most Beneficent, The Most Merciful.

    The Questioner asked: O noble Shaykh, As-Salaam Alaikum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatu (The Shaykh replies, Wa Alaikum as Salaam wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatu) I take Allaah as a witness for my love for you for the sake of Allaah. (The Shaykh responds, I love you for what you love me for, and I ask Allaah to make me and you the ones loved for the sake of Allaah). Is the one who insults the Prophet's (sallallaahu alaihi wa salam) companions a kaafir (Disbeliever)?

    The Answer:

    The insulting has to be elaborated upon as Shaykhul Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah (Rahimahullaah) mentioned in his book, "As-Saarim al-Maslool 'alaa shaatim ar-Rasool", if the insult is an insult to their deen (religion), then this is Kufr (Disbelief). And if the insult is out of rage, whoever defers the rage does not commit kufr (Disbelief), and this is apart from takfeer. Whoever says the Sahaabah (Companions) are all Kuffaar (Disbelievers) or says they were sinners, has indeed committed kufr (Disbelief) because they lied upon Allaah. Because Allaah has said,

    وَكُلًّا وَعَدَ اللَّهُ الْحُسْنَى

    "Unto Each, Allaah has Promised Good" (Surah Nisaa: Verse 95)

    Meaning Heaven, Allaah has promised the Sahaabah heaven, so whoever says they are kaafir (Disbeliever) or says they were sinners, he has lied upon Allaah, and whoever lies upon Allaah has committed kufr (Disbelief). And as for the insult that needs elaboration, as Shaykhul Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah (rahimahullaah) said, if the insult is an insult to their deen, then this is Kufr (Disbelief). And if the insult is out of rage and anger then he has not fallen into kufr (Disbelief). However, he remains a faasiq (Sinner) and has not reached the level of Kufr (Disbelief)

    Shaykh 'AbdulAzeez ar-Raajihee


    shia committed shirk  openly by calling help from Ali instead of Allah

    when they say Ya Ali Madad !

    and for what you called sunnis emm names actually don't make a difference like when shias claim to be Muslims and they are not  they are many suffis claim to be sunni and they are Not !

    a Muslim  who follow the Quran and Sunnah of the prophet not bida'ah not shirk   he is a Muslim from ahulu sunnah and jama'a

  10. Sunni's =]

    Ima Sunni =D

  11. They are fighting against US, so must be sunnis.

  12. Yup! The majority, anyway.

    And they've got better Sunnis than us, Pakistanis!

  13. I am not sure but I think they are Sunni.

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