
Are somalians black?

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it has come to my attention that recent studies from the european journal of human genetics discovered the somalian genetics are 85% cushitics 15% caucasian and 5% negriod they also concluded that they are homogeneous people which means they are not mixed people which everyone thought previously so are they black? and did the europeans came from somalia since mankind migrated out of east africa? alot of somalians seem to have caucasian features too which makes this is so confusing




  1. you don't need to study that, you look at them and see that they are black. very simple.

  2. Every Somalian I've ever known is very black.

  3. Why does anyone find it necessary to study this? We are all members of the human race with a common ancestor: Adam.

  4. ...and very attractive!

  5. You need math lessons
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