
Are some American Troops angry with American Civilians? Do you care about our opinions of you?

by Guest31945  |  earlier

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Can you explain to me why, if some are?

I just finished chatting with my retired friend from the Army, he was a Sergeant Major, and was in Korea 5 years ago. He says he was indifferent to Civilians, and their opinions then, that he just didn't care to hear it all. Is this true for most of you? Any of you?

Is there an effect on most of the Troops on the opinions of the Civilians? Are most, or any Soldiers angry with us, as a whole, and why, please?

Also, is there any emotional need by a soldier to be indifferent? Serious answers, I appreciate.

Let me have it! Thanks bunches.




  1. I think most of it is the fact that a lot of americans are angry about the war and seem to take it out on soldiers. They do not fight by choice they fight because that is what they are told to do. AND people say that this is a pointless war, but tell that to the people who's schools have been bombed by thier own people and the american soldiers have spent the time rebuilding and making it safer. And its not that they are angry at Americans as a whole its that they are angry about the lack of support.

    Freedom is not free and people need to remember that.  

  2. The civilians control the military. (The military is not allowed to control themselves) Look who is "tops" in the Dept of Defense. He's a civilian. If the military doesn't like the civilian opinions then they are in for some rough times.  

  3. I am on board with the Sgt. Major on this. Its not that their opinions are not welcome. Its the lack of knowledge and negative attitude that may cause indifference or just tuning them out.  Of course things may anger us such as in the protest in Berkley at the Recruitment Office.

    Or blaming the whole military for isolated situations that cause a negitive impact on the whole in general. Or hearing the media bash the President of the United States while we are fighting a war. We have taken an Oath to Serve and obey orders and were not drafted so this is the life we have choosen. For those who can complain and whine of trivial matters then I say, let them because I would rather have them sitting at home watching CNN then be in on a patrol with me. The men and women who proudly serve are a different breed and no one can take that pride away from them. Not all are meant to serve in the military and I hope they understand that Freedom isnt Free if it wasnt for those who have given their lifes Past,Present and future to our Great Nation.  In closing, for those who have supported us my Thanks to You. For those who havent. I have no comment.

  4. I couldn't care less what troops feel about me, which is why I think it is so weird that since I am an American citizen I am expected to support them (which I really don't). Why am I supposed to support them, if they don't care (or apparently are angry/dislike) about me.

  5. That sounds like more of a personal deal.Some military and ex-military do have a negative opinion about civilians though. they havn't gone through what they have in the military and so their opinion is not taken well.Those who choose to serve their country and believe in it have a deservedly low opinion of those that whine and cry about how things but are not willing to take it personal and serve directly.The rest of us veterans are far from indifferent. I activly take part in politics by being as informed as I can be and voting accordingly

  6. I usually try not to let opinions, especially negative ones, get a hold of me emotionally. Sure I may not agree with some opinions that the overall civilian population has but what can I do about it? Get pissed off? I would not be doing anything productive. Troops need to be emotionally unbiased as much as possible because if they make decisions off that, bad results will happen.

  7. I just smile when I hear someone bashing the Military because I know that it is me being in the military that gives them that right to voice their opinion. In other countries you could be beaten, killed or thrown in jail for speaking out against the government or their military.  

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