
Are some British people related to the Romans?

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Didn't some Romans decided to stay when the Romans were withdrawn from Britain?




  1. Probably some, but the dna of Roman soldiers would be a 'drop in the bucket' compared to post ice age immigration,the neolithic farming revolution & saxon & viking settlement. The first Roman garrisons were NOT allowed to marry native women-this went on for the first 100 yrs of the Roman occupation (Of course they doubtless had local girlfriends and so on.)

    It would be very hard to detect genetically what could be 'Roman' because the Romans  who came to Britannia were from all over the Roman Empire,not just from Italy--they could easily have been from Spain or Germany,even from parts of Africa.

    The Romano-british you see mentioned in history books were native British who had been Romanised in their ways, not people with 'Roman' descent.

  2. Most of them - the Romanized Britons (not a misprint) - went to Wales, or the part of France now called Brittany.  King Arthur was an example of a Romanized Briton.

    I'd be especially curious about the Welsh surname, 'Farell' , which sounds strikingly close to a very common Italian name, 'Fiorillo.'

  3. Yes inevitably! the Roman Empire was so spread that a lot of the countries that they controlled will have people of some sort of Roman decent walking around today. Also a lot of people from the UK would have some Viking blood in them as well as any other conquering race that occupied the nation throughout history.

  4. ive just been looking at the answer to your question and i see some one has put king arther was a king ,not in british royal history he wasn't ,if any one can tell me when this mythical person was king i would be greatful.

  5. certainly they must be.  only makes sense since the Romans settled there for awhile, and even if someone came from some other Roman-occupied country and went into England, they would be likely to have descendants.    

  6. Even if the Romans had left completely, they would have impregnated the original English there would be people related either way.

  7. I would think almost certainly.  There must have been some inter-marriage between Romans and Britions, and probably some Romans had British mistresses, or at any rate they would have had s*x with their British slaves, which was common practice for Romans.  There would have been a lot of mingling of British and Roman blood.

  8. Point of information : Pontius Pilot was born on Fortingall . Where ? Fortingall at the foot of Scotland's longest Glen - Glen Lyon . Roman father - Celtic mother . . Keep asking !  

  9. Yes.

    The Romans who moved to England & influenced the culture & interbred formed a culture we call Romano-British.

    And despite invading Germans, Nordic peoples (vikings too); and French- there are certainly some Roman genes in there.

  10. Yes. Some romans stayed, some had families and left... the sort of stuff any standard army gets up to when it is 'in country' for any great length of time. DNA results have proven the link.

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