
Are some Hillary supporters now supporting Sarah Palin?

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I'm a Democrat, but I was all for Hillary. I think Obama is a terrible person. I don't like his choice for Vice President.

I was going to vote for McCain because he was the lesser evil. But now I really like Palin, so now I will vote for McCain not feeling like I have to vote Republican. I really do like Sarah Palin.

Anyone feel the same?




  1. I don't think any woman in her right mind who was a hillary supporter could possibly vote for Palin.  Her views are totally opposite.  

    Only a very shallow woman would vote just for the v****a ticket.

  2. How can you be a Hillary support and vote for some completely opposite of Clinton?!?! If you was following Clinton than do you not notice she is a huge Obama supporter now!?!?  

  3. Wouldn't that be like blacks voting for Alan Keyes? Having absolutely nothing in common with Keyes but skin hue, I wouldn't vote for him at gunpoint. How can you vote for a traitor to the women's movement?

  4. My mom and wife, both college educated agree with you. They would have voted for Hillary but not Obama!

  5. I like her Values  

  6. Good for you.  However, I don't think you are really a Democrat or a Hillary supporter.    

  7. h**l No! Am I suppose to vote for you because you r a mother and your son is in Iraq. Guess what *****, alot of mothers' sons are in Iraq.  She is against a woman's right to chose abortion and is against gun control. Let her kids shoot up people if she wants to, but if they are elected, may god watch over this country because i will call for all american to rise and to get then out of office. OBAMA/BIDEN....FOR THE BETTERMENT OF AMERICA!  

  8. I think they will because I remember when women nominated her because she was a woman. They were so desperate that they didn't even care what her policies were or her scandals were. Still, there will be those who didn't like McCain before who will feel insulted by McCain's choice. I wanted it to be Huckabee.

    l think we need Sarah because she will save lives through her pro life stance and in making America less dependant on foreign oil. I hope she will change her stance on abstinent only education and will encourage contraceptive to be used to prevent unwanted pregnancies that would perhaps lead to abortion or abuse. Adoption should also be encouraged for those that don't feel capable of parenthood. That would be good for America.

  9. I am a female Democrat and my answer is no, definitely not.

    I'm firstly puzzled as to why anyone thinks Obama is a "terrible person."  Perhaps you don't think he's right for the job or you don't like his platform, but why make such a statement about his character and entire being?

    Anyhow, I could not, in good conscience as a Democrat vote for a Republican and a female VP is no consolation.  Though I am inclined to believe that a female is more in touch with my needs and preferences in America than a male would be, I know too well that this is not always the case.

    Sarah Palin is far too conservative between her religion and her economy and that absurd bit about the army and chanting "USA!"  My opinion, but gah!  I believe she speaks rhetorically well but the second she starts going on and on about god I want to run the other way.  For me, god doesn't belong in politics and only careful, concerned, holistic thought does.

    No, I am a Hillary supporter who has no interested in Sarah Palin.  Politically, they are not the same.  And if Hillary endorses Obama, so will I.

  10. I am sure some of the Republican campaign stooges will feel the same as you. I doubt you were ever a Clinton supporter.

    Can you imagine her as  a president? I can not!

    I  can not believe it, but anyone of the presumptive VP  would have been better then Palin.

  11. Of course not! Why would Hillary supporters vote for Mc(CAIN) and Sarah Palin who opposes women's rights!

  12. hopefully not

  13. She is miles below Hillary.   Palin has no experience and is incapable of running a country.   NO WAY

  14. I don't know enough about her to have an opinion on her. Some Hillary supporters will vote for her just because they want to see a woman reach a higher office position. I personally think that Palin is too inexperienced to be an effective VP. God forbid something happens to McCain and she's the president. She's not qualified for that much responsiblity.

  15. I never supported Hillary, she is our senator, and not doing anything good for our state.  I do like Sarah Palin, she is a God fearing woman, who is not afraid to be heard.  God bless her, and may God bless America.

  16. You sound like a GOP plant, not a HRC supporter, you need to try a little harder to fool us  

  17. Why do you like Palin?

    Her views are antithetical to Hillary's and Barack's. Palin is very much in line with the GOP base.  She is nothing like Hillary Clinton.

    No, I feel that a Hillary supporter voting for a McCain/Pain ticket would be voting against their own interests.

  18. Heck no.  She's anti-abortion, anti-g*y marriage, pro-gun, and under investigation for using the office for revenge.  

    This veteran with a child in the service is voting for Obama. Our troops need a change in the White House fast!  

  19. h**l No.  

    And there are other people running for office, you don't necessarily have to vote for McCain

    Cynthia McKinney 2008!

  20. haha yeah right

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