
Are some african americans great-grandparents born in africa and are full black?

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am saying the descendant of african-americans now




  1. I don't quite understand your question.  Are you referring to African Americans who are descendants of african slaves from the slave trade?  My parents were born in West Africa, but I was born in the U.S..  I am an African American with grandparents, great grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc. in West Africa.  I honestly can't say that I am full black.  I suppose I would have to confirm this fact with a DNA test.  My family are from a tribe that is considered indigenous. You would think that being from an indigenous African tribe would mean that I am "full black".  Yet I am often asked if I have an Indian or Middle Eastern ethnic background because of my physical features (eyes, bone structure).   Anthropologists have noted that the tribe that I descended from has cultural practices that are similar to Hebrew culture. Who knows?  I honestly believe that every human has a mixture of races.  We all came from one source.

  2. of course.  Not every slaveowner was a rapist.

  3. yes.dont u kno anything abt black history?

  4. Cudjoe Lewis 1840 – 1935 is the last person born on African soil to have been enslaved in the US. He was captured and brought to the United States in 1860 during an illegal slave trading venture on the ship called the Clotilde. Five years later at the end of the American Civil war in 1865, slavery was abolished and Cudjoe was set free. However he did not return to Africa. He and the other Africans established a community near Mobile, Alabama now referred to as "Africatown". Cudjoe was the longest survivor of all those who were brought aboard the Clotilda and died in 1935 making him the last African American (via the transatlantic slave trade) who was born in Africa. Before he died he gave several interviews on his experiences. He has got descendants in America today who can trace their ancestry straight back to a country in Africa called Benin today.

  5. Colonists started importing slaves in 1619, I believe. The USA passed laws banning the import of slaves in 1808. Some people smuggled them in after that, but not many. The slaves already here, from almost 200 years of the slave trade, had children, who were sold as slaves and had children, who were sold and slaves . . .

    Someone undoubtedly came to the USA from Africa yesterday, poor, huddled and yearning to be free, just like all of the other immigrants, white, black, yellow and brown (not red - they were here already) from 1607 onwards. Someone was born in the USA of Nigerian or Ethiopian or Sudanese parents last week.

    Figuring 30 years a generation, average, and just counting African-Americans who were here in 1808, 200 years ago, you get 6 generations and a smidgen.

    So, most African-Americans descend from people who were already here in 1808. They would have to get to their 4th great grandparents to find someone who was born in Africa at the least.

    If you are now 18, your ancestors were born approximately:

    1990 - you

    1960 - parents

    1930 - grandparents

    1900 - 1st great grandparents

    1870 - 2nd GGP

    1840 - 3rd GGP

    A generation can be as short as 14 years, for teen-aged lovers. It can be 60 years, for men who take second wives after their first dies. It averages about 30 - 33 years.

    Some AAs are "full black". I have no idea how many. An awful lot of slave owners trifled with the help, and their mulatto children went back into the slave end of the gene pool.

  6. depends on who you call "african american". are u referring to descendants of the trans atlantic slave trade or africans born in america?

    well in that case, i would say probably not. i can tell the difference between native africans and african americans. i think that is due to our mixed bloodline, mainly european contribution. also to my knowlege there is no pure race. not amongst anyone on the earth.(i believe some1 else posted this as well).

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