
Are some dogs just born to hate water?

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i have a 17 week old great dane.saint bernard..

we are going camping and we're going with 2 labs who LOVE the water.

is there any way to get her to love the water too?




  1. When my dog was a puppy he HATED the water, I think they are just unsure and scared. Now if I want to please him I take him swimming and then I can't get him out! The puppy just needs to learn and I'm sure she will in her own time!

  2. Some dogs just like the water more than others. And yes, it is possible for them to not like it at all.

    But she is still a puppy so I think she just needs to get used to it. Show her how much fun it is! Go into the water with her and play for awhile. Let her get out from time to time so you make sure that she know that once she's in she's not stuck there. Just play with her and have fun! I bet she will take to the water in no time! Good luck! Hope this helps!

  3. Both are cold weather dogs. In effort to join in the play, the dog will take to the water but never love it. Great Danes will enter shallow water when in pursuit, but they don't like it. It is a potential danger to them. A St. Bernard does like not getting his under coat wet. For him, it is an invitation to death. The two mixed together produces a cold weather dog that is far happier out of the water. If you take him, try to entertain him out of the water. He would be happier if you just boarded him in a kennel.

  4. she needs to be properly introduced to the water.  don't force her to go in.  she'll see the other dogs go in and she'll probably do the same.

  5. Hes very young. Do NOT try and force  him to get into the water as it may scare him off from getting in for ever. At this age most pups will not get in.Just let him observe the other two in the water and give him time to grow up..

  6. We have a lab that LOVES the water too, can't keep him out of it.  We also have a german shepherd mix that is, so-so about the water.  He loves chasing our lab but would just prefer to stand in the water and not swimming.  We also have a papillion poodle mix that will have absolutely NOTHING to do with the water, if you put him in the water, or near the water he will look at your with hate in his eyes.  Hehe.

    It took as a few weeks to get out german shepherd mix used to the water.  Generally I kept him on a leash and would go in about knee deep and sit with him in the water.  Once he saw his brother playing in the water though he became more and more brave. It just takes patience.

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