
Are some men in the school of thought that...?

by Guest33610  |  earlier

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...if there is a beautiful woman in their proximity, they MUST hit on her, regardless of anything?




  1. No.  I might glance at her for a little longer than another woman, but no.  I find that these women generally know that they are beautiful, and I don't see any point in adding to their monster high ego.

  2. some guy usually think of one thing.

  3. not me. i'd rather not flatter her.

  4. yes! They figure what have they got to lose all she can say is no.

  5. No, but why wouldn't we try our luck?

    How are we supposed to find someone if we dont play the field?

  6. Same with women who will almost eradicate the current relationship they are in to go out with the male on the front cover magazine. I find the undertones behind this question alarming as it is differentiating between Male and Female cheaters.

    Cheaters are cheaters, period.  

  7. are u implying that men constantly hit on you?

  8. If I am attracted to a woman, yes I will probably hit on her.  Dating is a numbers game.  I don't know about the "regardless of anything" part.  However, there are very few locations or situations that I can think of where it would be entirely inappropriate.

  9. I flirt with everyone, even the ones others find unattractive.  Don't they deserve attention too?

  10. I used to be until one of them arrested me.

  11. Yes. Must hit on pretty girl. Must hit on pretty girl. Must etc etc

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