
Are some nations or races basically dumb and less inteligent ?

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Do you think some nations are more intelligent and some others are less intelligent ?




  1. IQ doesn't measure intelligence it measures a persons logic.  Now anyone who answers this question suffers from a wicked bad case of ethnocentrism.  First off how are you going to measure intelligence and what is going to be your criteria for measuring it?  I mean what is considered intelligence.  Depending on where you live in this world will define how you view intelligence.  For example if you live in on the Amazon then intelligence for you would be how to track prey and how when to plant your crops so it wouldn't coincide with the flood season.  If you lived in the Yukon then intelligence would be how to survive in a winter storm and what to hunt for the most effective use of your energy.  In the States its what you know and how you can survive in a "modern world".  

    Even in the States you have different regions that would require different knowledge, e.g. I don't see too many folks from New York city who would be able to really survive in the hills of Tennessee and vice versa.

    Different regions require different types of knowledge and intelligence that is unique to that region.  So its safe to say that no one nation or even race is more intelligent than another.  Now im sure someone will pull out the study where they found that Asian children do better in school and have better grades but what you also fail to mention is that Asians also have a much higher sucide rate.  So since American kids have a lower sucide rate and don't place so much stress on ourselves does that make us more intelligent or that we have more common sense to say "there is more in life than education?"

  2. The differences are largely due to culture and there isn't much difference genetically.

  3. nope because human being are born with brain. everybody man, have brain. and it's their attitude.. their attitude determiines their intelligent.. because u know why? intelligent is 99% perspirant and 1% is the mind. xoxoxo

  4. That's a harsh assumption. I think some nations and races have their strong and weak points...I mean h**l, look at how much Bush has driven America's image into the ground. The world sees us as a joke..but back in the 1940's and 50's we were a super power not to be messed with and France was the its a cycle.

  5. I think they are different, but similar potential exists everywhere. If put in the same environment with the same opportunities, I don't think it would be found any particular race or culture is vastly superior or inferior with regard to intelligence, than any other.

  6. i think some nations are different in the way they handle life, but different does not mean less intelligent or dumb

  7. These 2008 statistics are based on British professors' research at Cambridge University who are experts on intelligence. They take IQ as the basic measurement.

    Top 20 nations IQ are

    1. Japan: 109

    2. Korea: 105

    2. Germany: 105

    4. Austria: 104

    5. Taiwan: 103

    6. Italy: 102

    6. Netherlands: 102

    6. Sweden: 102

    6. Switzerland: 102

    6. Belgium: 102

    6. Britain: 102

    6. Singapore: 102

    13. Poland: 101

    13. France: 101

    15. China: 100

    15. USA: 100

    15. Hungary: 100

    15. Norway: 100

    15. Finland: 100

    20. Canada: 99

    However, the statistics based on race of people are different.

    Here are the top 20 race:

    1. Ashkenazi Jewish: 129

    2. Japanese: 109

    3. German: 107

    4. Korean: 105

    5. Austrian: 104

    5. English: 104

    7. Italian: 102

    7. Swedish: 102

    7. Swiss: 102

    7. Dutch: 102

    7. Belgian: 102

    7. French: 102

    13. Han - Chinese: 101

    13. Polish: 101

    15. USA: 100

    15. Hungarian: 100

    15. Finnish: 100

    15. Norwegian: 100

    15. Jewish: 100

    20. Canadian: 99

    This research is also like the research by Prof. Lynn, sparks lots of controversies. They are in fact, also introduce the new facts of genius per people. Why some countries contribute lots to human being while other don't (even they're smart). This based on number of geniuses or highly gifted per thousand people. These people are typically Nobel prize or other international prize winners, university professors, scientists, researchers, executives for large corporations, billionaires ...

    Top 20 race that have highest number of geniuses per people

    1. Ashkenazi Jewish

    2. German

    3. British

    4. American

    5. French

    6. Austrian

    7. Swedish

    8. Swiss

    9. Italian

    10. Dutch

    11. Japanese

    12. Danish

    13. Hungarian

    14. Norwegians

    15. Polish

    16. Russian

    17. Belgian

    18. Canadian

    19. Australian

    20. Jewish

  8. Well in most countries they are able to attend school while others in like Africa might not have that privilege to because some girls get married at an early age and will never be able to.And kidnappings at night can also lead to children  not to be able to go to school and then you find them enlisted in the African military.They seem to be in great poverty because they are not able to get the jobs that we have and not get the proper schools that we have also.

  9. Yes . Just like you.

  10. no, just some PEOPLE

  11. Nations...I can't say but...

    races: The Human Race has proved itself to be pretty dumb. on average!

  12. First, there is only one race of humans on this planet, Homo sapiens. All of the physical characteristics most people associate with race, are simply the result of social and to a degree geographical selection.  Any human can mate successfully with any other human and produce a viable offspring.

    As far as intelligence, the perceived differences between ethnic groups are the result of culture and environment.  As an example, bushman from the outback of Australia can survive in cities with little trouble, while so called intelligent whites from the cities will quickly perish in the outback where the bushman is completely at home.

    A child from any ethnic group who is raised in a different culture without being subjected to prejudices will normally develop as if he were a natural born member of the new group.

    The use of IQ  tests is too culturally biased to be a valid measure of native intelligence.  Also, it is practically impossible to produce such a test without cultural bias.

  13. I look at the country they are from and what they have done in the world. The ability to be intelligent is present in just about everyone..less the retarded. It's the mind set of that nation that can make the difference. If the nation focuses on physical superiority, then look for a nation of really well built people.

    America...Freedom, China...Intelligence, India...Religion, Africa......................Welfare? =)


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