
Are some of the drugs the doctor prescribes as bad as some street drugs?

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I'm not including weed or very necessary medicines in this question




  1. Yes. There are many drugs that doctors prescribe that are incredibly addictive. People overdose on prescription drugs all the time and many people have liver problems after taking medications for a long period of time.  

  2. h**l yes

  3. All prescribed Pharma is toxic. Thats how they work. If taken in large doses, overdoses and or prolonged periods potentially yes.

  4.   Let's  put  it  this  way,  some  street  drugs  are  better and  safer than  prescription drugs.

  5. Yes some are, there are so many drugs that are addictive and the Doctors keep prescribing them.

    I am talking about pain killers and anti depressants and I am certain there are more I don't know about.

  6. i have allergies, and the doctors keep prescribing stupid little meds which have virtually no effectm especially on my big body. a few weeks back, a friend of mine referred me to a whole-fruit puree, and i am thankful for that. the best part is u can get it for FREE! just follow this link down at the bottom here, and click on REQUEST INFO, put in all ur info and write in comments "FREE JUICE". lol, now i look at prescription meds and laugh.

  7. I think so.

  8. Worse.

    h**l some of the stuff you can get over the counter is worse on your liver than eating rocks, namely acetaminophen.

  9. As a drug lover myself, I'm going to say no but here me out.

    When you compare drugs (DR. vs Street) then you have to look at why it's being used:

    - There's no crime related to what your prescribed, something you might buy off the street could fund crime.  Buying even weak drugs (weed, speed) may gateway to something harder (Coke, Meth, H) as alot of dealers always try and push you into addiction for more $$$.

    - Overdose is more possible on the street also ... let's take two of our favourite drugs Cocaine and Heroin ... both the drugs are cut ALOT and will vary from different batches and dealers, purity is almost impossible to tell with both untill you take them or good at tasting (even so that's fakeable)

    - Route of administraton, if your prescribed drug Y and you take it orally and according to dosage to help you with pain or depression then that's alot different from buying it off the street and shooting it or blowing for a buzz or high.

    Yes, alot of drugs doctors prescribe are like what you can buy from the street.  Main ones I see are the likes of Ritalin, Addreal and any opaite based drug.  Most hard drugs aren't prescibed it's mainly the safer ones.

    Overdose and side effects are still possible on prescribed drugs.  Prolonged use of drugs that pose dependacy will usually need subsituting or weaning this applys to the street and doctors drugs.

    Heck some OTC drugs are dangerious, high(able) and dangerious.

    But in black and white ... the active chemicals are the same, it's just the way they are being used.

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