
Are some of us just not designed to share our life with another?

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I cannot make sense of my situation. I come from a good background (really kind supportive family), have good friends I have known since my childhood. yet here I find myself at 33. Single again. And most of my romantic relationships have been difficult. Should I just accept my fate of being a single independant woman in the world.




  1. Why give up on love? If it is meant to happen it is meant to happen, what is the difference if you meet your person when you are 15 or when you are 50, I am sure you will find someone.  

  2. I feel the same way. It seems that some, like myself,  are not to have long term relationships. I think I like it better that way too.

  3. datz kind of sad.(cry) im sorri hun but dont give up theres always a special person for everyone out there. and besides u can adopt a kid some people like dat. and they are alternatives if u really want ur own child like finding someone to be a host. dont worry hun my uncle didnt marry untill he was 41 u have time be strong.  

  4. you have not met me yet! I think you just need to keep yourself on the market. Have you thought about adoption? If you make enough money and your family can help why not?

  5. actually i've often wondered this myself, being around people tends to grate on me, i'm an only child from a single parent family so being alone was something of an occupational hazard, i got used to it but this also put a lot of distance between me and the rest of the world. never had much in the way of friends (through a lot of moving and through my own choice as well)i've only really ever had to look out for myself with no one at my back but this isn't my fate because this is not what i choose, last year i chose to get married. i have a saying "even fate has to kneel to a strong enough will" if this isn't what you want then simply choose another path, easier said then done i know but no matter what your path is it will always carry it's own weight in pain. no matter what you do you will always find suffering all you can really do is decide what you suffer for, nothin' comes easy sweets

  6. I joke around with my friends and family about this.

    I argue that this isn't 1767, where you walk out your front door and get married to the first person you see and stay with them for the rest of your life even if they abuse the c**p out of you every day.

    I'm 23 and I think it would be awsome to actually find a man who can mesh with me, but it's so difficult as we all know from experience...

    We have these unrealistic expectations and dreams of finding the perfect person, but we also have more pride now than I think women had before.

    We're not willing to settle.

    It's easy to find a man..

    There are plenty of single eligible men out there, it's just a matter of putting our guards down, taming down our fears of rejection, and losing some of our inbred egoes.

    Getting into a relationship is easy... we can easily settle..

    But finding a relationship that's WORTH it is hard =T

  7. i dont really know, i mean but i believe if you really wanted too you would really commit yourself out there, it does not seem like you really want to be committed and that you see it as the way you want to go, there are just women i think who are best suited to be career women and its who they are and they are good with it and i somehow admire them too, i mean im only 21 what the heck do i know compared to you who is 33, all i know is dont focus your energy on finding that someone when you can still make sense of the world by reaching out through other means like charity work and all that other stuff, have you tried bunjee jumping? sky diving, you should!

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