
Are some parts of the world more racist than others and why do you think why?

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Are some parts of the world more racist than others and why do you think why?




  1. I think it depends on the country. In America the south is still pretty racist & areas where you don't get a good mixture of different races. This is because people fear the unknown. They don't know anything about real Asians, Blacks, Hispanics etc, so they hate them because they fear anything that is different & what they don't know. In the UK, i think a lot of people are racist against Indians, polish & etc. This is because their country is being over flooded with them & they see their culture disappearing because of this. Also when you get a large number of immigrants, jobs become scarce & sometimes the immigrants are doing better than the original people of the country. This causes hatred & racism.

  2. It's hard to say.

    What some people consider racist, others may consider "tradition".

    e.g, if in the UK, we didn't allow people of a certain colour into a club or to become resident in our country, that would be racist.

    However, in Japan or African countries where non natives are not allowed residence or into certain places, they consider that normal or acceptable practice.

    It's hard to say whether they consider their behaviour racist or not. It may just be that they don't care what other people think so much as we in the west do and just wish to preserve their culture.

  3. black nations are the most racist because they blame white man for all their misfortunes

  4. The perception in a lot of countries outside of America is that the Southern States are very racist whether you are black or white or a foreigner.  If you don't fit into the ideal model of what a good ol' boy should be, then you need to get out of town quick.  The impression given off is that these people, mainly white hicks, sit around on their @rses all day just waiting for trouble to come their way.  It seems it is the only way to liven up their sad , pathetic lives while they mend the holes in their ku klux klan out fits.  Something the rest of America has never really tackled and gotten rid of.

  5.   I am a extremely open minded person and not racist at all, but in my business, blacks scare customers.  I didn't make it that way, the general population did, and its sad, but I can't hire black guys because it hurts my business! Its a shame, but my customers made that decision, not me. I am talking about a business run right here in the USA!  We go into people's homes for service.  Sorry to say it, but 90% of Americans are STILL afraid of a black man in there home!  Can you believe that c**p?  I'm not making this up.   I think it is an embarrassment to American culture and people need to get their heads out of their butts!  Are these people just too stupid to see through skin color?

  6. Just how a lot of Americans distrust people with Spanish surnames and Middle Eastern appearance:

    Russians hate Armenians and Central Asians

    Japanese hate Koreans (and vice versa)

    Greeks don't care for Albanians

    Italians don't think too well of Romanians

    Arabs don't like Indians & Pakistanis

    Jewish Israelis despise Arabs

    Germans won't admit to hating anyone after you-know-what

  7. As another person here said, it may be more of a preservation thing and not seen as racism. It's only in the U.S. that we turn everything into racism when it really isn't.

  8. It depends on the countries.  In the US and Canada, we are used to multiculturalism.  I live in Norway now and they teach us in norwegian classes that everyone is equal but when you go out in public and hear the 'ethnic' norwegians speaking, you think hypocrites.

  9. Not sure about racist but Americans are the most parochial and inward looking nation in the world.

    They have a lot of immigrants but many Americans haven't really found a way to integrate. In their view it's either assimilate or get out. That's why you get areas where one ethnic group tends to congregate.

    In Italy and Spain racism is considered acceptable and a normal part of life.

    Germans are extremely politically correct after what happened with the Jewish people all those years ago.

    Middle Eastern nations are VERY racist, even Israel is racist towards the Arabs.

    There's a lot of racial tension in Africa, particularly in South Africa and Zimbabwe. It seems that Apartheid has been turned on it's head in favour of the blacks. Now white farmers get thrown off their farms, shot or raped quite frequently.  

  10. unfortunately racism is everyewhere, even within one's own kind. its true. Same pride and prejudice story.  With regards to your question, it all depends on how lucky you are with the people you meet in any part of the world.  

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