
Are some people clueless about cultural evolution?

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When people ask something to the matter of "why do you have morals if god isn't real" I seem to think that they are merely uneducated to the fact that culture changes and evolves by chance. If something happened that a lot of people did not like, then they themselves gave evolution to the change of society, another words they made it a negative act. If all morals are instilled in the same people and if all people are god's children, then why do some cultures see things favorable, when another culture sees it as completely horrendous and blasphemous. I tell you why, chance, experience, and perhaps the instances when someone did something and at that same instance a catastrophe or amazing event happened, they saw this unexplainable thing as a god, and then if the outcome was negative they didn't do it. It's only a theory of mine, but I think it makes sense.




  1. I agree with you in principle but can you then explain why in the space of 100 years did so many people die as a result of their race, religion or other inexplicable reason at the hands of Mao. Stalin, Pol Pot, Hitler.

    Why has social evolution failed us in the most recent of times ?

  2. Without sociological evolution and particularly co-operation, we could never, as a species, have developed agriculture, industry or technology.

    I don't understand why this is seen as some sort of 'miracle' given to us by god, rather than the truth - a fantastic evolutionary trait.

  3. You could make an even stronger case if you considered why it is that that certain ethical imperatives seem to apply regardless of how many, or which types of gods a culture has. Jehovah didn't have to tell Hindu's that murder and theft are not a good thing. In other words, aside from the many cultural differences associated with morality, there seems to be an obvious core of human (as opposed to theistic)values that "come with the equipment." (And even this core has evolved within a cultural context.)

    But essentially you are correct. I believe young people should be exposed to an "Anthropology 101" course early in their education. it would work against making arrogant assumptions about humanity.  

  4. Humans have a built in moral code that you do not see in the animal world. Our moral code is at a much higher level than found in animals. We don't eat each other. That is instilled by God. We have basic morals based on something inside of us that tells us that doing harm to others is not right. Those who violate this instinct run and hide. They know it's wrong even though they do it. One reason for this is we know what's best for ourselves and when we see others suffer  we relate it to ourselves. This is only a human trait and did not evolve. Killing has always been considered evil even though it is a common occurrence throughout the history of mankind.

    There is also a moral code beyond the basic one. That one deals with the heart of man. It deals with what you think and say about others. That code only comes through the Word of God. That is the one God holds all of us accountable to. Going through life not killing anyone is not good enough.

    And contrary to belief in this forum, religion is not the cause of most war. WW1 and WW2 experienced the most death and destruction in history.


    By the way, all people are NOT God's children.


    Oblivious to fact?

    What about your own statement:

    < It's only a theory of mine, but I think it makes sense.>

  5. If they weren't clueless, they would be religious to begin with.

  6. If we get morals from God then why are religious wars the bloodiest of them all?

    I usually ask that, and it is often dismissed as irrelevant. But what do you expect?  

  7. Clearly you're correct. Yes some people are clueless. But not YA community people.I'm not criticizing anyone in the YA community. Don't report me. Jerks. Not YA community jerks mind you, just other jerks and I mean that as a complement.  

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