
Are some people doomed to a fatal delusion over climate change?

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"PSYCHIATRISTS have detected the first case of "climate change delusion" - and they haven't even yet got to Kevin Rudd and his global warming guru.",21985,23991257-25717,00.html

Like I told Dana & some others - it's not the end of the world, it's just the end of YOU. Does anyone disagree that mass hysteria is a bigger threat to people than a little more CO2 in the atmosphere?

Do believers think people need to be FORCED to reduce their CO2?

"Believers" should actually be called "deniers," because they believe AGW and deny ALL other scenarios. "Deniers" only deny 2 things; that AGW is real and that it's destroying the earth.




  1. One person, out of 7 billion, has a psychiatric disease that has manifested as a paranoia about GW... and you want to make something out of this????

    There are more people who have delusional paranoias about shoes!

    Boy, are you "deniers" really scraping the bottom of the barrel to support your own delusional fantasies nowadays...

  2. G-W,& G-C, has been "happening" since long before mankind ever existed. IT's what the Earth does. WE have ZERO effect on it!

    Next thing you know, the environmentalist wacko's will realize the Earth has NOT warmed at all, in the last TEN years. Then THEY will claim "victory" in the fight against G-W!!

  3. You mean people like?

    Most all of the scientists in the world.

    EVERY major scientific organization has issued an official statement that this is real, and mostly caused by us.  The National Academy of Sciences, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Institute of Physics, the American Chemical Society, the American Geophysical Union, the American Meteorological Association, etc.

    The Pentagon, The Centers for Disease Control, and the National Intelligence Agencies?

    They've all issued reports that this is real and is a serious threat to our health and national security.  One example:

    "There is a relationship between our carbon emissions and our national security," General Sullivan said.

    NOAA, who says this will cause more extreme weather?

    The article you cite is simply a political rant aimed at the Australian Prime Minister by a political opponent.

  4. "Does anyone disagree that mass hysteria is a bigger threat to people than a little more CO2 in the atmosphere?"

    What mass hysteria?

  5. Why don't you just ask the drowning polar bears?

  6. A quick google reveals several conservative sites are running with this story, are these people that far gone that they think this is anything but a young boy with a mental disorder.

    How sad and pathetic are these deniers?

  7. That Herald Sun sure is a relief from seeing The Age carry on about climate change like it really is the end of the world.  

    It seems like some media outlets (the ABC for example) can predicts doom and gloom indefinatly, decade after decade without ever getting the sense that their predictions just aren't comming true.

  8. Yes, liberals cling to their delusion like a religion.  In fact, global warming is a religion.

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