
Are some people natrually mean?

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i'm 14 years old, and i feel like im natraully really mean and a b!+ch. i feel so mean sometimes, and i try to be nice, but it just dosent work.

some of the things i do is,

- when im w/ close friends or my mom i'll tell them comments about random people at the mall, or whatever [the comments are sometimes rude]

-when someone says something dumb or askes me a stupid question i give them a saracastic answer [that is usually rude]

- i get annoyed very very easily.

all of my friends think im the things i say to people or about people, but i sometimes feel bad, but i honestly think im natrually mean. i try to be nice & i want to be a nice person, that pretty much everyone likes & wants to be around, but i dont know how!!

how can i be a nice person? am i just natraully mean?

one thing i have a problem doing is thinking before i talk, sometimes my mouth opens & words come out & i didnt even know what was gonna come out until i say it!!





  1. You are a nice person who protects herself by using sarcasm. The irritability may be hereditary, but you can fix it later by taking anti-depressants. Anyway, I was a lot like you and felt I could not be nice. With more maturity, I was able to give up some defensive behaviors, like sarcasm. I was now able to protect myself in other ways, such as avoiding people, ignoring them, detaching from stupidity, accepting that many people are a mess, not caring that much, etc. You already know two things that can be improved immediately: (1) force yourself to think before you talk; and (2) when you're about to say something sarcastic, ask yourself whether it's a good idea. Because sarcasm is ultimately going to get you into dramas that you don't need.

  2. you need to mature and control what you say.

    im the same age as you and girls have hormones and a lot of those hormones can cause them to get mad and be mean.

    no, i dont think ppl can be naturally mean. i think theres something making them angry and it causes them to be mean.

    you need to be a little more tolerable with people.

    and the way you treat others is how you will be treated. so dont be surprised if you get treated rudely.

  3. Yeah you need help, try a psychiatrist.

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