
Are some posted gas prices fraudulent?

by  |  earlier

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I usually estimate how much I should get for what I am paying when I shop. When I buy gas I estimate to 3 decimal points and I am usually off by not much. I was surprised when I bought $20.00 of gas at $3.99/gal. and got only 5.001 gallons. That is what you'd get at $3.999. Is this fraud or is this a case of your government siding with the corporations to rip off consumers?




  1. I'll mail you 1.27 ounces of gas, that will make up the difference.

  2. Actually, that happened here. I think the pumps might be rigged for the stations to sell gas at the stated price, but not to actually give the complete amount. Its not fraudulent. Its stealing. You should report them. Its against the law. The government doesn't own the gas stations. They just sell the fuel to the gas station owners. The government wouldn't make money selling gas to the station owners then letting them rip off the customers. The owners of the gas stations set the gas prices and some , I would say, would go as far as to be dishonest and to rig the pumps. Call it in buddy.

  3. ==it is what it is ==  

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