
Are some restaurants usually racist towards interracial couples?

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My boyfriend and I went out for dinner today, and somehow we got the worst seats in the place, even though there were empty booths all over the restaurant. We got the seats right next to the was horrible. Also, they messed up my order. Have any of you had an experience like this? What is your opinion?




  1. Not with restaurants, but with family. Where are you from and location makes a difference. That's really poor. I would start a blog and or complain to a manager of that store of how you were treated.

    I hope you didn't tip the person, if I was you I wouldn't even eat there. I would have walked out.

    I am white, and my girlfriend is Mexican, I see it sometimes.  

  2. Some are, it all depends on who is working their.. But you have to also think, they mess up orders a lot.

  3. Wake Up And Smell The Coffee or Don't Care About iT And Love Life Regardless...But No I Havent

  4. It all depends on the people working there.

  5. Specialunicorn above me is an idiot.  I have had numerous instances that are exactly the same.  i am white and my girl is brown and some how we always end up in the same crappy corner by the loud *** kitchen every time we go to the same restaurant.  The other night when we got are usual crappy table i noticed that there was a black family and two g*y men in the same corner.  However, when i go there with just white friends my white privilege grants me a good table. Those that say race doesn't matter are usually white and have never experienced discrimination before.  they see tv show like the Cosby Show  and the Fresh Prince and see upper class black families and think oh well there it is black people have made it so race doesn't matter.  also they think that now that that civil rights movements got rid of segregation that minorities have the same opportunities as whites.  if race didn't matter people wouldn't be talking about it anymore

  6. no me and my boyfriend are an interracial couple and we never had any problems i guess it depends where you live and where you go but i am white and he is black and we live an an all black neighborhood and never had any problems

  7. i know what youre talking about. thats why my man usually takes me to some urban places. love the food and dont need to meet ignorant jerks.

  8. Yeah. Well, not me personally. But me and my friend went to a restaurant together. He was with his girlfriend and I was with mine. However, the waiter said that we had to get separate seats, since one table is already full.

    My friend told me after dinner, that he and his girlfriend got the food after at least 1 HOUR and 30 minutes. The food also for them was crappy too.

    Oh and the seating? The waiter put them in a dingy corner of the bar on the OTHER SIDE of the restaurant. I felt so bad for them. But I was seriously pissed off at the manager and the restaurant itself.  

  9. yeah one time i went to mcdonalds and they didnt give us any straws

  10. ive had a similar situation before but my husband and i are white.   Did you try asking for a booth or to be sat elsewhere?  Restaurants usually have different servers in different sections so hostesses scatter guests as they come in so each server gets tables.  I cant say whether your situation was or wasnt bc of your race but i have definitly had my share of bad service.  Sometimes you just get the new guy

  11. I've worked in a restaurant and I can tell you from experience that they simply don't care one way or the other. There's not much preference between customers, and "bad seats" are nonexistent in the eyes of the staff. You were probably just unlucky. That is, unless you came in just shy of closing-time. Those people usually end up in the c**p seats.

  12. there should be some one, but i don't care

  13. ya and cops too .. watch out for hep-b and hep-c

    if they cut themselves on purpose, and those 2 are worse than aids now days they say

  14. Here is the problem--you are reading racism into bad service. It isn't racism sweetheart. It's called that is the section where a working server was and as for your order being messed up--all too common. Don't make the world into a more hateful place based on insecurity. You wouldn't care so much about what people thought of you if you knew how truly seldom they did.

  15. um i think no matter where you are people usually discriminate and have prejudice. even though times have changed, nothing will ever be perfect or achieve perfection. as much as we like to say we live in a country with equal opportunity and people are all treated the same that is never the way. i guess you could kind of say i am in an interracial relationship - my boyfriend is mexican/phillipino and i am white but i have never experienced anything like that actually. i am sorry you were mistreated though.

  16. If you're in certain sections of the US, interracial couples are still relatively new and people are getting used to the idea ( in Canada, it's old news and nobody thinks anything of it anymore)

    I wouldn't be surprised to learn that it's happening - it's part of systemic racism ( google it - it'll open your eyes).

    The way to fix it is to refuse the table that the waiter offers and select another one.  If the waiter refuses, leave.  Don't go ballistic about it, just don't patronize bigots.  

    When they start feeling it in their wallets, they'll change.

  17. in canada at least everywhere ive travel i havent noticed this at all. I normally am going with a hostel buddy or random person i meet. So at times it seems like the two of us are interracial or homosexual and have not noticed any hatred at all.

       I hear though its real bad in southren states though.

  18. restaurants bars, even a very exclusive club. i have seen racism and reverse racism. try being the only caucasian on a first nations reserve drinking in an illegal booze can!! or pity the sole white guy in a certain black lounge in this city. the fella was there with the female entertainer for the evening, and they were not going to let him in. said that thet were filled to their licensed capacity. it was only 1/3 full! it does not happen a lot here in canada not as bad asmy friends form other places get it, but it does happen. sad reflection on society in general.

  19. when i go to asian restaurants and i see black people or white people come in, the waiters always talk **** about them in chinese, i know because i understand every word they say about them.

    they talk about how they wouldn't know what to order and such, and they give them mean nicknames. usually pretty racist.

  20. What makes you think that it is because you are an interracial couple  

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