
Are sore breast a sign of PCOS? more symptoms?

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I have all the other symptoms for PCOS, plus sore breast... Is this normal? what are the chances i have PCOS? I have high levels of glucose, insulin, high cholesterol, I didn't get my period this month, i keep getting alot of acne, my hair has fallen out to the point where you can see my scalp, i gained weight, high levels of androgen, it sounds like a yes on PCOS, i'm awaiting the results until tuesday but i'm worried... 5 pregnancy tests detemined i wasn't pregnant, so that's not the reason for a missed period, but the blood work came back undetermined..could i have PCOS or are all these signs just coincidences? I also have psoriasis, and sebhorreic dermatitis which i know see as a sign as well because of the falky skin sign of PCOS, am i building something out of nothing, on the HCG pregnancy test, why did it come out undetermined if all the urine test were negative.. is that also a sign of PCOS?




  1. The symptoms of PCOS are:

    Irregular or absent menstrual periods.


    Weight gain.

    Abnormal growth of hair, especialy on the face and trunk.

    Deepening of the voice and development of other masculine characteristics.

    Male-pattern balding.


    You have most of the symptoms.

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