
Are southerners upset they lost the civil war?

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Are southerners upset they lost the (American) Civil war? I mean, would you southerns wish that you had won the war??? How are ya'lll taughht it down south?




  1. lol.

    People who live in the south still live in the current time frame.

    I was born and raised in Texas, my family moved to Maine, and I went to college in Indiana, then after years in the north (Illinois as well) I moved back home to Texas.  The only people still talking about the civil war are Northerners asking silly questions like this one, or ASSUMING that because there is still live existing south of the Mason-Dixon line, that we are pissed we lost the war and still want slavery and all that garbage.  Southerners don't talk about the war anymore, with the exception of school, and re-en-actors (who are very proud people because they often have family ties to people who fought in the war for something THEY believed was right at the time).  

    You see, we are not ignoramuses here in the south (we have schools, colleges, live in the modern world).  We are also NOT our ancestors.  Our ancestors DID fight for what they believed was right AT THAT TIME, but if they lived in the current times, where slavery is no longer an accepted social norm, they probably wouldn't.  These people lived in a different time.  

    "How are y'all taught down south"??  As if they teach us to be pissed off in school for losing a war??  It sucks to LOSE, but people learn and evolve.  For instance, the GERMANS aren't pissed that THEY lost the war, in fact, MOST of them now see how wrong the actions of the German nation were at the time.  Many of them saw it then too, same as southerners and slavery.  When a state, nation or government goes to war, not every person has to agree on the premise of going into battle, and it's nuts to think that all southerners wanted to fight over these principals.  In fact, it is important to remember that slave owners were by in large, more wealthy than most of the common folks, so many were fighting for what they concidered a "right" as a citizen of the United States, not even something they participated in.  The war was more about States Rights than it was about slavery anyway.  That's why it's called "the war between the states"

    Just FYI, we all read the same history books.  They do not slant history based on where you live.  I mean, are YOU planning on throwing a party because the North won??  C'mon man, it was WELL over a hundred years ago, you've GOT to have something better to do with your time.

    PS.  Y'all is a contraction of the words "you" and "all", so the apostrphe goes after the "y" to take the place of "ou".  Just trying to help you out.

  2. Your tone is very patronizing.  What does the term Southerns supposed to impart?  I am a proud celebrater of my southern heritage and as such I have strong feelings on the war.  Several brave men and even women and boys from Missouri to Florida fought for the confederacy in the Civil War.  The bulk of them were firm believers in state's rights and their (our) preserved way of life.  The idea that modern day Southerners are all chaw spittin barefooted simpletons who throw our straw hats and curse everytime someone mentions we lost the civil war is nothing short of insulting.  We know the CSA lost the war, but guess what?  Were PROUD of our heritage, and were proud of those who were brave enough to stand up to the indignities the Northern government was inflicting on the South.  Now I know what youre gonna say the Civil War was about slavery!  Wrong!  Lincoln himself didnt champion the slavery cause until he needed to sway public support for his dirty little war, and keep France and England from joining the confederacy.  It didnt hurt he could conscript the slaves he "rescued" into his army.  Yes we lost the war, and good thing too, because I would hate to live in a divided America, but this is a complex issue not answerable by glib visions of urbane, enlightened Northerners bravely "sticking it to" those slave holding toothless Southerners.  Do some reading on the subject and educate yourself before you generalize your own countrymen.  And by the way we learn the same things in school as other US students, we dont teach some sort of Southern revisionist history.  For shame!!

  3. I can't think of any of us who are upset that the war of northern aggression was lost. The southern states were within their rights to secede from the union. Had the south won the war the U.s. would probably be more like europe than what it is now. Several small country's instead of one.The loss of the war by the south changed the United States from a constitutional republic to a democratic state.

    Here in the south we were taught about the civil war what ever the current history books had in them.  BTW The victor writes the history.

  4. Si

  5. It's usually called the war between the states.  Southerners learn that it was about states' rights, and had little to do with slavery.  Some wish they had won, but most don't think about it all that much.

  6. Not really as I'm from Texas and nobody here is. However the North was taking away the south's rights(slavery was a right back then and im not against slavery). However if the North had lost then the America we have today would not be here.

  7. yes,

  8. They certainly seem like it.

    - Waving Confederate flags all over the place

    - Calling the American Civil War ridiculous things like "the War between the States" and "the War of Northern Aggression" (I can't BELIEVE that other answeres are actually using those names."war of northern aggression" is the most biased name for a war EVER. It's like something from communist Vietnam.)

    - Using the Confederate army designations for Civil War battles instead of the generally accepted ones.

    - Defending the Confederacy's secession as a noble defense, or the right thing to do, or something that was Constitutionally just

    - Showing great respect for the Confederate States of America itself (and not just the actual respectable people like Lee)

    - Trying to rewrite history by repeating "states rights" endlessly like a broken record and saying that slavery was a non-issue

  9. That's my impression.

    The states rights angle is frequently pushed. It's BS of course, states rights to do what? Protect the institution of slavery.

    I can't speak for contemporary public school kids, but it seemed to me the civil war got a disproportionate amount of coverage in history classes compared to either of the world wars.

    When I was in the 8th grade I lived in Alabama for a while. They went over the civil war campaign by campaign, battle by battle in history class.

    I doubt most southerners have given a thought to the practical consequences of a hypothetical southern victory. Mostly it's just rank regionalism on top of cognitive dissonance.

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