
Are spacers between bearings on your roller blades necessary?

by Guest62016  |  earlier

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hey, can anyone tell my whether or why you need spacers between your bearings on your roller blades?

I'm switching from mini-bearings to regular, and my old spacers don't fit. My axles fit, and I can't see why the spacers make any difference since the bearings fit on a molding in the hub and can't fall into the wheel anyway.




  1. nope

    you dont have to have them, you just shouldnt tighten the axles as much. it is good to have them but i had heard that if you dont use spacers then there is less friction. im not sure if its true but try skating with the spacers and then without to see what one you prefer more.

  2. Absolutely needed - the skates will be really slow if you tighten up the axle at all without them.

    Without the spacers, tightening the axles produces a large side force on each bearing.  The forces are: frame, inner race, balls, outer race, wheel, outer race, balls, inner race, frame.  

    With the spacers, the force is: frame, inner race, spacer, inner race, frame.

    The spacers are cheap (about $10 per set).  You need to specify which bearing size and the axle diameter (6mm or 8mm).

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