
Are <span title="feminists...........................................................?">feminists...................</span>

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...... only women? Could a man be a feminist?




  1. My working definition of a feminist is &quot;Somebody who believes everybody should be treated equally.&quot;

    Could a man believe that? Of course!

    As a corollary to your update, could a woman not believe that? Yes.

  2. I&#039;ve known male feminists, but never met a &quot;life long&quot; male feminist. Most of them turn their back on it eventually once they see the common hypocrisy and general indifference many feminists have for the welfare of MEN.

  3. here;s a list of Feminists from Wiki ;

    It includes Thomas Paine,  John Stuart Mill,  Freiderich Engels,  and some other men, so I assume the answer is YES

  4. Um yes. Youll find that half of equality advocates are, in fact, men.

    -daughter of a feminist man, fiancee of another

  5. A TRUE  FEMINIST..will burn her bra in can a man be a feminist when they cant even take off a bra !..they fumble trying to take it off ..LET ALONE BURN IT.. so nope for that case alone men cant be femenist..HOW EVER they can be, AFEMINET...

  6. Hitchhiker is right... Its against the law for a man to be a feminist, punishable by a fine not to exceed $200,000 and a prison term of 8 to 15 years.

  7. LOL!  I used to support feminism until I studied it on two undergrad modules. Now I know that a man supporting feminism is either ignorance or masochism. Check out what feminism is really about here...;...

    ... and you will see what I mean.

  8. Yes, men can be feminists...

  9. Of course a man could be a feminist. It&#039;s not common, but it&#039;s doable.

  10. Andrea Dworkin&#039;s husband is a typical male feminist, a homosexual that rejects masculinity.

  11. There were male suffragists so why not.

    Surely anyone who thinks equality is a good thing would support anti-discriminatory policies whether they were put forward by a woman or a man.

  12. Sure im a feminist and a male! I love women in general...some of them are a pain in the A$$ though.

    Edit: Obviously the men above me don&#039;t like women seeing as TRUE feminism is nothing but love and respect for women. They will come out of their closets soon though and then maybe they won&#039;t be so angry.

  13. Only if a man wishes to be emasculated and/or eradicated in short order.

  14. Surely I am one of those.  Back to my childhood I always took sides against any abuse or discrimination against females.   I have always been attracted to assertive and confident women.  I learned to change our baby´s nappies and to do duties of housework.

    I cannot understand that so many women still believe that men are born to be their leaders. And I think that it could be equally natural if a woman is in charge in the marriage or relationship, with her husband taking her last name and being in a supportive role.

    Yes, I am one of those pervs as Celtish has put it (as you can see from my avatar!).  I would call me a confessing feminist.  And I know quite a number of similar guys.

  15. I was a feminist in my naive youth.  I still recognize that the motives, for the most part, are good.

  16. Feminism is loosely defined as a set of political and social beliefs centered around a vaguely defined set of goals

    So a man can have a belief system that includes these goals and therefore be a feminist

    The only problem is, there is no representative group considered the embodiment of &quot;feminism&quot; nor is there a universally recognized set of goals for feminism

  17. My husband is a feminist.

    A feminist is simply one who believes men and women are equal.

    I want the same pay men get if I&#039;m just as talented. I also think a man has the right to hit a woman who has attacked him.

    If you want to be equal, you can&#039;t be a psycho b*tch.

  18. I&#039;m a feminist, and i must say I&#039;ve been treated rottenly horridly, I&#039;m sad and lonely

    they will hurt on me, why do they insist on punishing me so?

  19. My school feminist club has about 6 regular members, two of whom are male. So yes, I&#039;d say a man can be a feminist.

  20. Few women are into feminism. They know better. They prefer to remain free-thinking individuals rather than be absorbed into the herd-mind collective called feminism.

    Any man who thinks he is a feminist is a perv.

    Celt-Ish of the House of Ish

    An Equalist

  21. In principle, but some people would call him a pro-feminist man rather than a feminist.

  22. I believe there is a federal law that probits men from this.  They have a seperate society.

  23. Delusion is universal. Sure, some rare men who have no other hopes of getting &quot;it&quot; become femminists, and by the time they realize that they dont get it in that camp either, its prolly too late.

    Edit : Gosh - I guess nobodys getting Hitchhiker&#039;s sarcasm or they wouldnt be TDing him !

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