
Are spells really real

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are witches real is magic real

tell me some good witch spells haha

and what are they for




  1. well i have met people that claimed to be witches but they couldnt really convince me. as far as spells. i guess if you really really believe in it then it can be real in your mind.  

  2. You should do some research on Wicca, its like witches without all that Hollywood jazz.

    My friend is a devote Wiccan, so I know alot of things.

    Spells to them, are almost like prayers, so if you think about, christians are saying spells to have the spirits and god guide them. So stop being haters.

  3. "For those who have the eyes to see"

  4. i think yes they are real

    im try to find spells too i find something in yahoo but i didn't try it yet

    answer pls;...

  5. *sigh* Really?

    Okay, yes, witches are real. I am one. However that are no different than any other human. They just choose to practice witchcraft.

    Yes, to witches and other practitioners of magick, spells work, but you have to believe they'll work.

    Spells can be for just about anything, however, mosy witches don't do spells that cause any harm, especially those that also are Wiccan (religion).

    No, I will not "give you a spell". You obviously haven't the faintest idea what witchcraft is and you shouldn't try to dabble in it if you don't know what it is.

  6. Hello.....

    Yes to both your questions. I have sent you a simple spell to bring a wish. Try it for yourself.  

  7. Witches - Yes

    Spell casting - no

  8. I used to think they were when I was younger, but after a while I started noticing that it was exactly like praying. By that, I mean that about half the time you get what you asked for, and about half the time you didn't...just like if you'd done nothing at all. Plus, I met lots of people that claimed to be good at spells, but couldn't actually make anything happen.

    Really, I gave it up because, even if there's some kind of energy shifting going on using spells, it makes much more sense to just work toward what you want directly.

    For example, you want a better job. Find a better job! Don't waste time doing spells and such.

  9. the words you speak are your spells. watch how you spit things out of your mouth. words effect your life all the time. think before you speak, always

  10. *sigh*

    What are you, seven?

  11. The first person is a rude...anyways i dont believe in spells..but i do think some people are good at magic tricks...haha

  12. as far as i'm concern

    i think they are real

    but don't think they still exist today

    but sometimes its hard to be convinced that how real are they?

    maybe they don't exist at all even if they do its not as powerful like in the movies

  13. yes they are real.Try this sites for spells:







  14. I do not know any spells, however, i think that if you beleve in it it can work for you.  Many spells involve herbs etc. that actually effect humans, and the kind of things that you have to think of or say while conducting them is similar to the modern day ' self speak' - where you tell yourself what is possible or what is going to happen and it helps your mindset and what will be the outcome.

  15. Oh yeah.  

  16. Witches are real. Magic is real.

    In order to learn spells, you have to study and work hard. Trying spells without knowing what you are doing can backfire on you. If you are interested in learning about witchcraft, there are many books and websites that you can look at.


    Wicca for Beginners By Thea Sabin

    Living Wicca by Scott Cunningham


  18. You sure you want to go into this? Well, this website claim they got 3 witchcraft spell give to people for free...go ahead then

  19. yup. educate yourself.

  20. I'm witch doctor and i tell you they're not for real.  
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