
Are spiny orb-weaver spiders venemous?

by Guest31999  |  earlier

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I just got bitten by one and want to know any side-effects and symptoms of them. I live in South Florida if that helps. How do I treat it? It is irritating and pinchy feeling. It looks exactly like the spider in this picture:

Thank You!!!!




  1. completely harmless

  2. Venom toxicity -

    the bite of Orb-Weaving Spiders is of low risk (not toxic) to humans. They are a non-aggressive group of spiders. Seldom bite. Be careful not to walk into their webs at night - the fright of this spider crawling over one's face can be terrifying and may cause a heart attack, particularly to the susceptible over 40 year olds.  

    Spider Identification -

    an adult is about 2/3 to more than 1 inch in body length - has a bulbous abdomen - often colorful - dark to light brown pattern. The common Golden Orb-Weaver Spider has a purplish bulbous abdomen with fine hairs.

  3. Hi,

    This is a spiny orb weaver (Gasteracantha cancriformis (L)) and the bite is considered harmless. Another common name is crab spider but they are not related to what most scientists call crab spiders. They catch whiteflies, flies, moths, mosquitoes, and beetles in their webs and are thus helpful in the garden. Cancriformis means crab like so perhaps scientists need to rethink not calling this girl a 'crab' spider!

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