
Are star signs real?

by Guest56686  |  earlier

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Or is it just a coincidence that everything about my star signs is true about me or is it all just a codswallop.




  1. What do you think?

    Don't let others tell you that a hobby of yours is "stupid" or "dumb" because the reality is that a lot of people com here just to make you feel bad.

    All I'm saying, is give it a shot. Read up on it. Learn. Its quite fun. If, at the end of the day, you still don't believe in it, then give up on it.

    Some people believe in it (including me), and others don't. Its up to you. Don't let anyone else change your opinion.

  2. It's pretty acurate.

  3. it all depends on what you believe in.

  4. it al depends on what you believe in, to me they are rubbish!!!!!!!!!

  5. 'Zodiacs', as they are known, do have a high rate of predicting outcomes of your life. I believe in it, and it's even proven in many books i've read that reading the stars tells you so much. Not only this, but the days of the year and elements ( water fire air) are really interesting.

    The reason why many people don't believe in it, or say it's not accurate, is because many zodiac-predictors don't read the stars properly. If you find someone who does, like Johnathon Caine, then it'll regurlarly come true.

  6. There is no evidence that astrology succeeds in anything better than chance. Or better than simpler and more likely alternatives. Some just enjoy the idea being stereotyped and programed from birth.

    But by all means check it out yourself. Here are some science based links below. It depends if you choose to blindly "believe" or do you really want to "know".

    "It seems to me what is called for is an exquisite balance between two conflicting needs: the most skeptical scrutiny of all hypotheses that are served up to us and at the same time a great openness to new ideas … If you are only skeptical, then no new ideas make it through to you … On the other hand, if you are open to the point of gullibility and have not an ounce of skeptical sense in you, then you cannot distinguish the useful ideas from the worthless ones."

    Carl Sagan "The Burden of Skepticism"

  7. It exactly true!I think...You don't have to prove it anyone else outside of you.I see the clues everyday.They suppose it doesn't make of sense.But not so...

  8. Might be true. My star signs / horoscopes are always true. It's plain weird.
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