
Are stock exchanges designed to loot people ? is it similar to casinos in respect owners always win.?

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Are stock exchanges designed to loot people ? is it similar to casinos in respect owners always win.?




  1. Stock exchanges are centrally located places where shares of stocks or other legally licensed units of value can be bought and sold by willing buyers and sellers. A share of stock is a legally licensed unit of ownership, which represents the equity of a business. If you own all of the equity of a business, then by law you are entititled to all of the profits of that business. If you own more than half of the equity of a business then by law you are authorized to say who shall be on the board of directors of the corporation that hires the officers, managers and staff of the corporation. The corporate officers are legally charged with the duty to manage all of the resources of a company as efficiently as possible for the sole benefit of the shareholders and to execute the business mission so that the maximum amount of earnings/profit are generated for the absolute minimum expense possible while following all federal, state and local laws. The purpose of a corporation is to make profits for the shareholders.

    There is no direct similarities between a casino and a stock exchange with the possible exception that both can be managed to generate profits for their shareholders. In both entities it is possible to have moneymaking "winners" and money losing "losers" depending on the policies and resource management decisions made by the corporate officers and the Boards of Directors.

  2. the stock market is a casino for fools.  one of the worlds greatest inventions!

  3. A stock exchange is a place where business is contracted.

    A casino is a place where you give away money to be entertained.

    Certainly, you can go into the markets with the same attitude and as little knowledge as going to a casino, and lose just as much money. Lack of knowledge makes everything similar.

    "Owners always win?"  Owners of the real estate and buildings will always be winners, no matter what business is contracted there.

    Owners of stock were winners 30 days ago at the top (Dow 14,000), and there will always be losers near the bottom, but you do have a choice when to be in and when to be out. Or you can roll the dice and always be in the game.

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