
Are stomach butterflies a symptom of an ulcer?

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For about the last week, I've been experiencing massive amounts of "butterflies in the stomach." It's a chronic, 24/7 pain (not just a tickle) that feels like it's eating away at the lining of my stomach or something. Also, my appetite is completely gone...I have no desire to eat, and when i do eat, I feel extremely nauseous and can't hold very much. I've lost about 5 lbs in the last week. It feels like my stomach is just going crazy on me. Could I have developed an ulcer?

I know what triggered this: I found out someone I like probably has mutual feelings for me, and now every time I think I might see him, or think about him at all actually, the feeling magnifies. However, the pain doesn't go away when I stop thinking about him either, it's truly a chronic pain, so telling me not to think about him wouldn't really help (not that I could follow that advice even if I wanted to). I don't think this is all psychological, since the rational, non-lovesick part of my brain is working just fine, and I *want* to eat, I *want* to stop feeling this way, I just can't. I just don't know where to start. Any suggestions?




  1. Those arent butterflys. i think you should go to a doctor it could be an ulcer or acid reflux

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