
Are strawberries always supposed to taste sour??

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I've always eaten fresh strawberries that taste I eating them at the wrong time??




  1. While smaller fruit does taste sweeter, the real reason why your strawberries are sour is because they are probably GMO's (Genetically Modified Organisms).  Most of the food sold on the market, and even by your local growers, has become GMO's over the years.  You can do some research on it, but basically some years ago scientists thought they could improve the quality of our food by geneticall modifying it. For instance, tomatos were bonded with some of the genetic characteristics found in fish scales to increase the amount of time they could remain on the shelf.  So, essentially, you aren't buying a true tomato, you are buying fish scales.  You can the difference in the taste too, tomatos that have been grown by a process called "organic farming" taste really good with lots of flavor, while GMO's often taste watery and have no real flavor to them.

    If you want a sweet tasting strawberry buy small organically grown strawberries.  Be careful though, many farmers markets say they are organic when they are not.  The reason for this is that many farmers become confused by what organic really means, and also because even if they are growing organically, if another farmer nearby is not, the GMO farmer's crops will contaminate the organic crop.

    So either 1) buy from a specialty organic food store (small fruit).  Or 2) look for a farming family that has been around for years and is fairly remote.

    Another factor to sweetening fruit of any kind is dryness.  While it is good for fruit trees and plants to have plenty of water in the spring, the actual growing season should be dry.  The dryness actually makes the fruit sweeter.

    Hope I helped.

    By the by, GMO's have been directly linked with cancer, hormonal imbalances, and other diseases. Just one more reason to buy organic!

  2. the smaller ones are sweeter.

  3. it depends ... usually if they are really red then they will be ripe and sweet. but if they are a lighter red or slightly white or greenish then yes you should wait longer because they are not ripe. good luck hope this helped!  

  4. You need to get your tastebuds checked. Strawberries are sweet. They are sour if they start to get old or you eat/drink something acidic beforehand. Also, if they aren't fully ripe yet, they won't be sweet.

  5. i was thwm and i sprinkle sugar,, o they are sooo good or maybe u can dip them in whip/cream

  6. If they're ripe enough, they're very sweet. If they taste sour it's because they haven't reached full ripeness. but that doesn't mean its "the wrong time". It's just a personal preference, like how some people like almost unripe bananas and others like them when they're soft and have brown spots ont he peel.  

  7. they get sweeter the darker they get

  8. They have a bitter-sweet taste to them.

    To soften up the flavor I always add a bit of sugar.

    Just enough to make them a bit sweeter.

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